Chapter 5

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Sighing, Light sat up on the bed. The second he sat up he felt a fresh wave of nausea run through his head. Light clutched his head in his hands and waited it out. He jumps slightly as he feels a small but warm pressure settle onto his shoulder. Looking up, he sees a pale hand, his eyes travelling until they settled on a obvious L.
"Light-kun how are you feeling ? "L deadpanned as always and it was almost enough to make Light laugh if, he wasn't aware of how close their faces were.
"Light-kun your face is turning color"L was face to face with him and both of his hands were now on Lights shoulders. "Light-kun tell me what's wrong"
Lights eyes flutters uncontrollably and he felt something coming. Something unavoidable..."ACHOO!! " Lights forehead collided with L's and earned both boys a grunt. Light who was rubbing his now sore forehead looked at a unaffected looking L.
"That really hurt... you know" L's head lolled and all Light could do was apologize.
After eating breakfast Light and L settled down onto the couch. L with the laptop, Light with the TV remote. In addition to the boxes of tissues and used tissues everywhere. He was being prohibited to work so instead he watched the news.
"Meteorologist Kayla Sims speaking," a short women appeared on the screen. " Warning, later on today there will be a severe thunderstorm washing over the Tokyo region of Japan . Staying indoors is highly recommended." Light turned to face L tuning out the noise the tv was bringing. L continued to stare at the laptop screen appearing occupied but Light knew that L's entire focus had turned to him the second Light set his eyes on him.
"Ryuzaki..." Light announced thoughtfully.
"What is it Light-kun?"L replied eyes still glued in place.
" Since it looks like we're going to have bad weather soon shouldn't the Investigation Team be let go early?"
"No. Catching Kira is for more important than bad weather. If weather conditions get unbearable to go outside they will be required to stay over night." L side glanced over at Light.
Light looked away deciding that it was appropriate not to respond. He turned the tv off and layed on his side. Closing his eyes he fell asleep to the sound of the laptop hum.

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