Chapter 6

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"Light-kun please wake up." Light hears a muffled voice say. In his bleary state of mind he chooses to ignore the voice, his only priority is falling back into peaceful sleep. Just beginning to doze off again the voice repeats itself and his mind tells him that he needs to grasp reality . Groaning he brings his hands to his eyes and rubs them until his vision turns into stars. Turning towards the direction of the voice the stars dissolve until a image of L before him is visible.
L and Light are both still on the couch where they originally were. The channel on the tv was still tuned on to the news. L must have turned it back on Light thought.
CRACK!BOOM!RUMBLE! The lights in the room flicker on and off slowly. The tv screen twitches. The meteorologist is still speaking but the static is making it unbearable to understand what's being said. Then all at once  in a harmony like motion everything shuts off and the room is filled with darkness . It's pitch dark with the exception of the windows that continually display the flashing of lightening. Light and L stand in front of the window to get a better view of what's going on outside.
"This is bad..."Light says.
"Obviously." L replies.
The usually bright streets of Japan were flooded with darkness.
"We need to find away to contact the members of the task force."Light stresses. L remains silent. "The service lines are out service. The power is out so the elevators are not going to work. We can't ---"
"There is a secured room on this floor used for emergencies like these." L cut Light off as if oblivious to the fact that anyone was talking. "As we make our way through the floor , absolutely  under no circumstances should you ever take your awareness off of your surroundings. Your an intelligent young man Light-kun. I presume you know the safety precautions we must take?"
"Yes , I understand."Light complied sourly. Of course Light knew that it was unsafe to touch telephones or water pipes. He knew what attracted lightening and L knew that he knew it too.
Light and L felt their way out the living room slowly. If they walked too quickly it was likely that they would bump into something unwelcoming.  Only a few minutes had gone by but it felt like they had been walking forever because of the silence between them. With the exception of the thunder Light didn't want to distract L with talk because L was the only one who knew where he was going. Then all of a sudden...CRACKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOOOOOOM!!POP!!!!  
Light jumped slightly, startled by the loud,thunderous noise. He grabbed onto L who immediantly tensed at the foreign contact. It wasn't anything to shy away from. Light had merely latched onto his shoulders in a action of seeking friendly comfort. L had never experienced or more like acted apon in the urge of comfort before so it's not as if he could familiarize Lights actions.
Within a few moments Light recollected himself and let go of the shoulders that he was clinging to."Sorry L, that really shook me for a moment."

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