Chapter 3

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Light woke up with the dim light of a laptop radiating off onto his face. Squinting his eyes slowly focusing upon L who was crouched at the edge of the bed. Suddenly something in his stomach churns and feels the urge to jerk his entire body upwards but fails miserably. He felt like he lost all of the energy in his body and he felt extremely hot.
"Ryu-u..."he croaked,the name dying in his throat as suddenly the detective settled into a feral position onto his chest.
"Light-kun are you Ok?"L immediately pressed his hands against Lights forehead.He's Burning up. He thought.
"Get off of me!" Light choked out . L got of the boy quickly and peered into Lights face searching for any indications of what could have happened.
"Ryuzaki..."a bead of sweat was visible apun Light forehead." I feel-cough - horrible..."
L studied Lights face warily, trying to recall to any events that could have led Light to feeling and looking so horrible at the moment and then it dawned on him.

"NOT AMENDABLE"Light grumbles angrily under the blanket.There was NO way he was getting out of bed at 3 am for L to go to the kitchen for a late night snack.

"Light-kun, I assure you it will not take too long."L mumbled.

"Go away Ryuzaki. I want sleep.You woke me out of my precious sleep. You can eat a buffet of diabetes all you want tomorrow. Now leave me alone!"Light yelled into his pillow.

"Yagmi-kun I ca---"he was abruptly cut off by Lights foot shoving him off the bed forcefully.

"Fine!"Light growled in frustration yanking the blanket off of him where it now lay forgotten on the carpet.

L had completely disregarded the need for the blanket. When he placed Light into bed last night he had payed no mind to that blanket.And the air conditioner was really strong last night. Not to mention Light usually just goes to sleep in a pair of boxers and sometimes with a shirt. 

L contemplated on what he was going to say to Light. 

"Light-kun, I believe you have a slight cold." L thought of just leaving his response just like that but decided that telling the full story would make it better then waiting until Light realizes."You show all the  withdrawal symptoms to be diagnosed with it. Apparently, the air conditioner was at it  best potential last night and I forgotten to recover you with the blanket. Not to mention you weren't wearing a shirt. Which now brings me to the conclusion that due to the hot weather, and the following coldness that you've gotten sick."
"You re---ACHOO-"Light attempts to kick L off the bed, failing miserably.
"Light-kun you must relax. "L deadpans not sounding at all concerned. "If you do as instructed and let me give you the right treatment this will blow over in two days."
Light felt is face heat up in anger if not already red. He didn't like the thought of relaxing and taking orders.
"Light-kun you need to relax." Ryuzaki urged. "This is important or else yo---"
"Would you shut up Ryuzaki?!" Light yelled his voice scratchy. "I don't need your.... "Lights vision got hazy and he swore he saw stars. Then everything went black.

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