Chapter 7 Part 2

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"Oww." Light groaned and pushed himself upward into a sitting position. He licked his lips and was startled when he tasted something metallic. Lifting a  finger up to his lips then to his view he wasn't so surprised to see blood.  He must have bit his lips pretty hard when he fell. It was much better than what would have happened if the floor surface was hard. He was also relieved that he could actually see, the ceiling lights were probably functioning on a  generator.
Looking around he noticed that the room was quite a spacious area. In the center of the room lied a small station with 3 computers lined anext to eachother with some electronic devices. There was a built in bathroom, kitchen, bed, and everything that you wouldn't expect iniside wall. Light was suddenly stopped in his thoughts when L grabbed his attention.
"Light-kun are you alright?" L who had fallen besides him, looked unharmed as peered into Light's face. Grasping the others chin he inched his face closer for a more accurate examination. "L, It's fine its just a small cu--huh?" Light paused when he felt L's warm breath dust his cheeks. L pressed his other hand firmly to Light's forehead. Recognising that all too familiar feeling of space deprivation ,Light sensed himself flushing. When Light thought that he couldn't get any more uncomfortable L suddenly pulled away and stood up.
"Light-kun follow me "he said and Light trailer after L who settled at the computer station. Taking a seat besides L he watched quitely. After a series of typing and clicks, a speaking icon apeared on the screen.
"L are you two fine?" Watari's worried voice sounded thouh the screen.
"Yes, we retreated to the emergency power room. We will be staying here until the  power recovers and I'd like you to relay that message to the investigation team." L responded.
"I will be sure to let them know, sir."
"Thank you Watari." L replied and the line went dead. Turning to face Light he added."Light-kun please rest on the couch so that I can use the kitchen." The kitchen was built into the room so the couch was besides it.
"I'm hungry too you know." Light replied.
The sides of L's lips curled into a small smile ."Something we can finally agree on Light-kun." Rolling his eyes he followed L as they stepped into the kitchen.Rummaging through the cabinets Light retrieved some canned fruit and L found some candy which surprisingly wasn't expired. After eating until satisfied Light took a seat besides L at the computer tables.

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