Chapter 4

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This is not what I expected . Ryuzaki currently peering in my face. Something slightly cold was curently resting on his forehead.
"Light-kun how are you feeling? " L reached out and took what was now an ice pack from off his forehead and replaced it with a new colder one.
"Much better. " he thought as his stomache growled. "And hungry. Wait what happened? "He groaned.
"You passed out from stress. I told you that it was important that you'd relax but all you did was get angry and therefore that lead you to pass out. "
"How long was I out? " he mumbles.
"Only three hours but, I made sure to nurse you while you were out. "
"Oh Thanks" Light felt a warmth creep onto his cheeks but, quickly willed it away.
"Light-kun think nothing of it. We are friends"
"Yea we are. So I suppose your gonna have Watari deliver food to our floor because I'm 'bed ridden' to futher notice? "
"You are correct about Watari but Incorrect about being 'bed ridden' with one to two days rest, you'll be back on your feet again"L verifies.
"Ah whatever."Light brushed the angry thought away and took a deep breathe. He just felt really exhausted. "Can you ask Watari to bring a Tylenol and water with him? "
"Its already here. "L's hand gestured to the bed stand where a bottle that red Tylenol and a water lay. "Although, Watari will arrive in 5 minutes with food. I asked him in advance because I figured you'd be hungry. "
Within five minutes, Watari was on there floor with a variety of items on two completley distinguishable trays. One tray, a few sandwiches, an apple 'obviously mine' Light thought, mixed vegetables, and his savior,a cup of  coffe. The other tray, 'a slice of strawberry cake, a bowl of sugar cubes, a huge cup of coffe, and some lollipops.
The old man came and set the trays down for the others and departed shortly after the two gave their acknowledgements to the man.

No Love Allowed (LxLight&LightxL)Where stories live. Discover now