Lesson 2

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"Guys, we gotta go, NOW!!!" Lisanna and Mira said as they ran towards us. What??! What's happening!?? Everyone started running and I was frozen in shock until someone grabbed my arm. It was................

NOW (Lucy P.O.V)

"Come on let's get outta here!" Natsu said as he pulled my arm and started to run.

Thank GOD it was him. I almost had a heart attack!!!

We ran a few blocks and hid in an alleyway for a couple minutes before Mira said the cos was clear. (and sorry I don't know how to spell it XC)

"Woah, that was a close one." Erza and Jellal said in unision.
"Eh, Great minds think alike." They said before giving each other a high five.

"Who exactly did you see?" Natsu asked Lissana.

"It looked like a security guard with a flash light. So Mira and I knew that we had to get outta there." She responded.

"Juvia needs to get home now" Juvia said.

"Yeah, me too." said Levy. Soon everyone said their goodbyes until it was just me and Natsu.

Natsu P.O.V.

Luce-er Lucy turned around and gave me this look.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean "What?"!!! Is this is what you and your friends do for fun?!!?! Vandalize buildings with spray paint?!?! And YOU dragged me along with you!!! Are you NUTS?!?! What if we got caught! Then WHAT! All you had to do was tell me what high school was like. And how many lessons are there!!! HUHH?!?!" She exclaimed.

Damn what a big mouth she had. And BOY did I HATE GETTING YELLED at. But I have to keep my anger issues at bay. 1......2......3.......4....-Fuck it.

"Hey, listen here you little bitch. I wasn't the one who told you to come along with me ok!?!?! I dont even know why I offered to help you, but I was going show you the rules instead. So SHUT UP. AND DONT EVER YELL AT ME AGAIN. UNDERSTOOD!!!" I exclaimed. Oops.

She looked at me with wide eyes before nodding her head, brushing away a few tears. I sighed before grabbing her wrist and pulling her back to the school.

"Come on."

Lucy P.O.V

Once we got two the parking lot, he aproached a silver BMW. He opened the door and gestured for me to get in. I took a step back, a little hesitant, and he glared at me. So slipped into the passanger seat.

"Where do you live?" Natsu asked. Huh? "Why the sudden question?" I thought as I stared at him weirdly.

"If it's not obvious enough, I'm driving you home." He said in a 'duh' tone of voice. Riiiiight.

"I live on 6258 Cherry Lane" I said. (And that's Nalu in number form if you didn't know (^ω^))

"Ok." He responded.

It was silent as he started his BMW, until he seemed to have remembered something.

Natsu P.O.V

"Ya know, the lesson I showed you today was more about me and my friends then high school"
I said.

She started at me, waiting for me to continue.

"If you want to hang out with us, you can be anything BUT a sweet heart. We don't like that type. Plus, were gonna be doin' alot more vandalizing and pranks. So if you're gonna be a sweetheart, you might as well not talk to us. And, on top of that, people will walk all over you." I spoke, in my most mature voice, might I add.

She looked at me wide eyed, still seeming to be processing everything I told her.

"Were here." I said, knocking her out of her trance. "Thanks for the tip, Natsu." She smiled at me. I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks, no matter how much I tried to suppress it. Why am I blushing? I looked away flustered.

"N-No problem" I mumbled and she giggled. Then she stopped and look up at the pitch black sky. Wonder what's wrong.

Oh right...........her curfew.

Lucy P.O.V.

Oh no, I'm late. Damn it. Natsu got out of the car and offers to walk me to the door, which I accepted, since I didn't see my fathers car in sight. Phew, I might get away with this one, maybe invite Natsu inside, who knows.

We walked fowards toward the door. I look for my keys, which were in my back pack. I didn't watch my step, causing me to stumble on the step, and crash face to face with Natsu. Oops........hehe?

As I pulled away from him, still locked in his arms, we made eye contact. We kept staring into each others eyes we heard the door unlock.

"What in the-!?! Get your hands off my daughter!!!" My father yelled yanking me back behind him.

"Wait Dad, let me explain!!!!" I said, trying to get him to loosen the grip he had on Natsu's collar.

"I won't let explain anything! This is why you were home schooled! Why are you late!?!?! Were you with him?!?! Doing what!?!? Wait-Did he touch YOU!?!?" My dad started firing away with questions, getting more furious from the last one. Natsu had gone pail, then flushed red, trying to get loose.

"No dad! You've got it l wrong!!! I was cleaning out my locker and lost track of time!!! This is my new friend Natsu, who offered to drive me home, a couple of blocks down." I lied, putting emphasis on the word 'friend'.

My dad looked at me before sighing and letting Natsu go, allowing him to be able to breathe now.

"Ok. Your story seems a little....fishy. But I'll take it. You're still in trouble for coming home after curfuew, though." My father said.

"As for you, pinkette. If you ever lay one finger on my daughter, I'll slugg you so hard-"

"Dad!!! He gets it" I said, looking over at a now composed Natsu Dragneel.

"I'm Natsu. Natsu Dragneel." Natsu said as he held out his hand.

My dad glared at him, before shaking his hand, saying "I'm Jude Heartfillia".

He was about to leave but then my dad said,"You never told me about that scene before, when I opened the door." I blushed before explaining it to him.

Natsu left, saying a quick "See ya later."


Thr next morning by my locker Natsy approached me.

"Lesson Number 2: Your dress code says all. So we gotta fix....'this'."

All done!!! Hi minna!!!! I'm trying my best to update every day!!! Hope you like the book.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

See ya next time ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


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