A Trip That Was Like The Titanic; It Was Fun At First and Then It Sunk!

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Lucy P.O.V

I blinked with wide eyes.



Three times.

That's when all the pain in my stomach had started to burn and my blouse slowly turned red.

I screamed out and Natsu had yelled my name.

My energy was being pushed out of my body as I fell onto by back and breathed heavily.

"Lucy! Don't worry, you're going to be fine, just breathe!!!" I heard a girls voice say and someone grabbed my hand.

"Lucy, this is going to hurt. Bare with me." I heard Natsu's voice.

"Be gentle. She's losing a lot of blood." All the other voices were just adding more and more confused thoughts that were now registering in my head.

Someone cut me. I tried to remember the train of events that had happened.

The lights went off, and I was pushed and cut.
I thought about this and I remembered something.

Red. The persons hair was red.

I silently thanked my memory as I was pushed into I siting position.

I cried and bit my lip. The pain was overwhelming.

My shirt had come off my body and something was wrapped around my waist. Extremely tight.

Biting my lip wasn't enough to hold back my tears because I let out the most terrible sounding scream ever.

I tried to push whosever hands that were on me off so I loosen it, but I was being held down.

"Lucy, breathe." Natsu said.

I was soon into someone's arms, and I tried to fight the sleep that I knew would capture me soon.

I looked up at Natsu's eyes, and gave him a soft smile before closing my eyes, knowing that I already had one foot in my grave.

Natsu P.O.V.

I carried Lucy in my arms and moved fast off the stage.

"Gray, call the police!" Ezra demanded at my side. Lucy had looked up at me and I looked down to her.

She smiled, and closed her eyes. Her breath was slowing and I was losing it.

I dashed off towards where I heard the sirens going off, with all my friends following behind me.

The people on the ambulance had immediately pulled out the stretcher, I laid her across it. I grabbed her hand and they told me to get in the ambulance.

"You'll be fine Lucy." I said as I stared at her nearly lifeless body.

"Nat....su.." She said. I jumped up from where I was sitting and went to her.

"Yes?" I said, and I pushed her hair out of her face."

"If I don't end up being......"fine"....her hair was red." She said and blacked out.

"Could you guys go any slower!" I yelled to the person driving. They asked me to step back while they tried to stop the bleeding. I couldn't think straight.

Once we had gotten there, they pushed her down the halls, and into the emergency room.

I was about to go inside with them, but the nurse said that I was to wait outside.

I sat impatiently on the chair, and I turned to see Lisanna and the others running towards me.

"Natsu, where's Lucy!" Levy said to me with watery eyes.

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