Lissana, What Are You Planning?

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Lucy P.O.V.

The next few weeks that went by were normal, well as normal as it could be with our unique gang. Natsu and I traded numbers, and he checked up on me often to make sure I was alright. His level of concern about, me made me like him even more than ever, the amount of attention I was getting from him was the most I've had in my life. I've admitted it; yes, I have a crush on Natsu.

Although, Natsu didn't seem to be the only person who's attention I was gaining. Lissana's hatred for me wasn't hidden anymore; anyone could tell we weren't on good terms just by sitting at the same lunch table as us. Though, she hasn't said a word to me since we got back from the trip. The thought of her plotting made me shiver, the evil she carried within her when it came to Natsu really creeped and crawled out of her.

Closing my gym locker, I headed for my last class of the day.

Natsu P.O.V.

I shut my locker, ignoring all the girls surrounding my locker and ogling over me. I didn't want the attention of them. I wanted Lucy's. The things I'd do to have her look at me like that I thought in my head. I shook the perverted thought from my head, almost ashamed of myself for thinking like that. Almost. My feelings for her have grown to such an extent, I can barely go an hour without thinking of her, or texting her to make sure she's alright.

The conversation with my dad that I had a few weeks ago was still fresh in my mind. Lucy didn't tell her father what was going on in depth, she simply said her getting injured over the trip was her own fault and that next time she'd be more careful. Her father seemed to buy the lie, letting her off the hook.

The puzzle, however, hasn't cleared up at all. Ezra and Fernandez have both tried to help me find out who the red haired felony could be, but we had no leads what so ever. The only thing we knew was her hair color. As more time passes, the more everyone gets worried.

Lucy has tried her best to put on a strong face for everyone, but we know that she's just as shaken up as the rest of us when it comes to this topic.

Running my hand through my salmon locks, I shut my locker and sighed. I stomped off in the direction of Lucy's locker.

She appeared a little sweaty, probably since she had just come from gym, and she was reaching for some books in her backpack. I took in her appearance while she couldn't see me: She wore a white tank top and lavender shorts, that reached a little above mid thigh. On her feet were white and black elite socks, and white and salmon Nike slides. Her cleavage was exposed in their sweaty glory, and it took me a while to peel my eyes away from them to look at her face.

Her chocolate eyes looked a little irritated as she pulled a lot of heavy books out of her locker and put them into her bag. Her shoulder length hair and grown a little longer, it seemed she wants to grow it so that it reaches her mid back.

Taking on her full appearance, my look had turned into a look of longing. If only she were mine I thought before smiling at her and taking a few more steps to stand to the left of her crouched down body.

"Hey Luce!" I said with my usual cheeky grin.

She looked up to see who was speaking to her, before happiness showed evidently on her face as she stood with her gym bag, and backpack.

"I'm good. A little sweaty though. Running was never my forte." She said with a small chuckle. I smiled and took the gym bag from her. "Want a ride home?" I asked her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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