Lesson 1

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Lucy POV

The rest of lunch was fun, talking and meeting everyone.

I was on my way to PE, my last class of the day, until Natsu stopped me. "Wait for me outside the gates after school today." "Sure" I replied.

Natsu POV

I can't believe I agreed to helping her. I'd much rather hang out with Lissana, my crush. Plus my parents got emailed about my detention, and I'm in for it when I get home. What a stressful first day of school.

I walked into the boys dressing room, only to be hit in the face by Gray's trunks.

"Watch were you put your stuff, stripper"

"What did you call me, fire ball?!?!"

Erza POV

All the girls walked into the gym seeing the boys there ready.

"Line up, get ready to run" said Mr. Macao. Ughh.

After the run, we decided to play dodge ball. How. WONDERFUL. Note the sarcasm.

I noticed that Fernandez was in this class also. He looked over at me. I blushed then looked away. Why did I do that? Titania doesn't blush. The world is coming to an end. I need my cake.

Juvia POV

Gym was not fun for Juvia. Juvia couldn't look at Gray-sama without having a ball thrown at Juvia's face. Once Gray-sama was in sight, Juvia droolled over him.

Then Natsu threw a ball at Juvia's stomach. Ouch. Juvia forgot he was mean. Juvia went and sat down. Then the bell rang and evryone left to go home.

Lucy POV

I waited by the front gate for him to get here, I wonder what he's like out side of school.

As soon as he walked outside he put his sun glasses on, and started walking towards me. Oh gahd. He's not THAT kind of guy is he? Sigh, what am I dealing with here?

"There's this park around here, so we're going there, alright?"

"What's with that attitude?" I replied. He so uptight. Ugh. I hate guys like him.

Natsu POV

Damn. She was cute until she opened her mouth. "Hey, listen I don't even want to help you, so just walk with me, OK?"

She glared at me then followed.

"Lesson 1: Don't act like a sweetheart."

"Why? Can't I act the way I wanna act" she said with some tude. I don't have time for her. I want to go on a job with the gang. Maybe she should come, being a part of the group now.....???

"Come on we're leaving."

"Why? Where are we going? You didn't answer my question?!?! Hellllooooo!!!" She started badgering me with questions, and I had to resist the urge to slap my hand over her mouth.

"I'll show you, so just shut up, all right?" She stayed silent as I took out my phone to call Laxus.

Laxus POV

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. A call from Natsu.


"Yo, Laxus. Contact the group and get us a "job" from Him"

"On it. And don't boss me around. I'll knock you out so bad-

"ALRIGHT, alright I understand. Bye." He hung up. I smirked then sent out a group call to meet up at the place.

Lucy POV

I was really confused. I thought he was just going to give me a quick speech and that's it.

"Hey, I have to be home before sun down." I said nervously.

"Yea, whatever goody two shoes. You stay or you leave. Its your decision." He replied. I couldn't see the way he looked at me because of his sunglasses.

I knew I should've left, but I haven't had a thrill like this since middle school, so I just kept walking behind him.

"Good choice"


Erza POV

I know that I shouldn't be a part of these things, but honestly, they are really fun.

All of us met up behind an abandoned building around 5:00 and waited for Natsu to get here.

"You guys ready?" Natsu said and we all turned towards him.

"What she doing here?!?" Gajeel said, clearly irritated by Lucy's presence.

She looked down slowly.

"Don't worry, she won't snitch. Plus, I'm just teaching her a lesson about high school. Right, Blondie?" She looked up at him and nodded her head.

"Alright, let's go." I said.

Gray POV

When we got to the back of the school building, as the supplier I handed I out the paint, and all the other various objects.

"Alright, Mira, Lissana, go be our look outs." Natsu commanded.
The nodded their head and scurried off.

Basically we like to spray paint the the back of the school for fun. We do other places too, but we almost got caught last time, so we're trying to lay low.

I made a picture of a glacier on the wall. Juvia drew the ocean next to mine. It was really pretty. She's really pretty, too. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _. But I wouldn't dare tell anyone, though flame brain has a clue.

Lucy POV

OK, when I said that I wanted a thrill, I didn't mean something I could go to JAIL for!!!. They all seem like great people though, minus their........"fun" hobby.

Gray handed me a pink spray paint, which I took hesitantly. Natsu and the group watched me as I thought of something to draw. Natsu drew a flame.

Then I had an idea. I shook the bottle and started to draw-er spray paint?

Once I was done I looked at what it was: there we're 12 golden keys and their constellations on pink. I've always loved stars. Once I was done I turned to the others.













They stared in......awe?

"Juvia didn't know Lucy could spray paint like that!" Juvia said to me. So she speaks in 3rd person?

"Yeah, Lu-chan" Levy said. Lu....chan? The started talking all at once and I just blushed with embarasment.

"Guys, we gotta go, NOW!!!" Lisanna and Mira said as they ran towards us. What??! What's happening!?? Everyone started running and I was frozen in shock until someone grabbed my arm. It was................


Cliffhanger.........Sorry. Hi I just started writing this book and it's the first book I've ever written on wattpad. Don't forget to favorite and comment. Until next time!


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