Chapter 17

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Skye's POV:

I woke up in the morning with Ed's hand holding my wrist tightly. I think he worried about me too much. I tried to pull his fingers away but all it did was wake him up. "Skye?" he mumbled quietly, still keeping his eyes closed. I kissed his nose softly making him laugh. "Where's my phone.." he opened his eyes suddenly, leaping out of bed and grabbing it from his jean pocket, which were now on the floor.

He got back into bed next to me and showed me the screen. 5 missed calls from Stuart and 3 texts. "What's he want?" I asked, shuffling closer to him. "I got a gig today.. don't exactly remember what time though..". I snatched his phone off him and called Stuart, holding the phone up to his ear. "Ed you might miss it! I'm not messing up your career, talk to him!". Ed smirked slightly and kissed the top of my head. "Yes boss.." he laughed. Stuart picked up but I couldn't make out his words, even though I could tell he was shouting. "We gotta get up, I'm meeting him in 20 minutes", Ed finally said to me, putting the phone down. I nodded, 'We?' looks like I was going with him! I get up and grab my clothes, noticing Ed's staring at me, but I choose to ignore him. "I'll be in the bathroom" I say to him, quickly going in there and splashing my face with water.

I know I stopped Ed having sex with me last night. I was just scared, and yes. I'm a virgin at 19. It's embarrassing I know, I try not to mention it to anyone. I shouldn't have stopped him though, I trust him with my life.

I got changed and walked out of the bathroom to find Ed half dressed and making cereal. "I only got Cornflakes" he grins at me, handing me a bowl of them. I sit at the foot of his bed and eat them as he pulls his shirt on and finds some shoes. "Let's go yeah?" he grins as I finish my breakfast, taking my hand as we leave to flat, but we don't walk far because at the bottom of the stairs, a girl is standing there, with a camera, taking pictures, of us.

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