Chapter 32

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Ed's POV:

I woke up suddenly, awakening from my bad dream. "Skye?" I said, slightly shouting. "I'm here Ed, it's alright" she said softly, "The nurse said we can leave whenever". I nodded, and looked down at her laying next to me. I can't believe I let this happen to her. "It's not your fault you know.." she said, is if she could read my mind. I shrugged. "Can we leave? Hospitals aren't really my thing". She smiled and sat up on the bed, then jumping off, pocketing the painkillers I guessed the nurse had given her. I got off too and took her hand. "Mine?" I said, hoping to change out of these clothes. "Can I just pick up some stuff first from mine?" she said, taking my hand with her good hand. "Yeah, sure", I said as we left the hospital. I wasn't really sure what I'd do if I saw that fan again. Had she been caught? She was probably too young to even go to prison. I think if I saw her I may need to he held back. She hurt Skye. Why would anyone ever do that, she was the most lovely person alive.

"Ed!" she nudged me. I jumped, obviously I'd been daydreaming. "That mans taking pictures of us..". I looked over and she was right, there was a middle aged man in all black, snapping away at his camera. I dropped Skye's hand and stuck both middle fingers up. He looked shocked and stopped taking pictures. Skye laughed loudly, making me smile. It was good to hear her laugh again. "Come on, before he gets all his friends on us", I laughed and so did Skye, I took her hand and we jumped into a taxi. She said the address and we got there in a matter of minutes. I took her keys and unlocked the door, walking in. It felt like I hadn't been here for ages. Her sweet scent lingered the air and all her possessions were scattered all over the place. It was messy but, it was just how I liked it. She put a few sets of clothes in a bag and zipped it up. I took it from her and carried it as we left her flat and went over to mine.

As soon as we got in the door we both collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. "It's good to be home" she smiled, nuzzling her face to my chest. "Home?" I said, smiling. She ignored me, but kissed my cheek. I knew what she meant though. It felt like home, when I was with her. Without, I just felt lost.

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