Chapter 55

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Skye's POV:

I woke up, tight in Ed's arms. He had carried me to bed and his arms were still firmly locked around me. I buried my face further into his chest and took a deep breath. He always smelt lovely, even when he had just woken up, or even just got off stage. It was one of those smells which was literally incomparable, nothing really did compare to it.

I felt the soft touch of his hand brush through my hair and I looked up. A smile spread across his face as he caught my eye. He had been awake after all. "Morning" we both mumbled at the same time, making each other laugh. "Pretty much doing gigs every day for the next 3 weeks after today, no days off so, I wanted to spend it with you. Today, we can, do something fun?". I smiled at his suggestion as his grip loosened, leaving his free hands to touch at my face and waist, and to be honest, I didn't mind, I quite liked it. "I'd love that Ed", I said softly, still half asleep. His hands didn't leave my body for the next 15 to 20 minutes. He constantly held me close or played with my hair or fingers and ever so often ran his fingers over my stomach, back or chest. It relaxed me, and made me feel incredibly safe.

"We should get up", he finally said, bringing me back to reality. He rolled out of bed and pulled me with him, stripping me off before doing the same for himself and taking me in a hot shower with him. "You make showers a lot more interesting..", I laughed. "What's that meant to mean?", he smirked, keeping his eyes on me. I shrugged, trying not to smile. He just laughed, kissed my cheek and got out, drying himself off. I followed shortly behind. "Where are we going Ed?", I asked as we both got dressed. "A fairground!", he said loudly with a huge grin on his face, as if he was a kid again. "I'm not great with rides", I mumbled softly. "You'll be with me, there's nothing to worry about", he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, even though he was still half naked.

Sure, fairgrounds and theme parks weren't really my thing but, I think I'll enjoy it. I'm with Ed so - why wouldn't I!?

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