Chapter 71

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Skye's POV:

I woke up sprawled across Ed's chest completely naked. "How the.. What.. When?", I stuttered causing Ed's eyes to flicker open. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind. I undressed you and carried you to bed once we got in. You were, fast asleep.. I, didn't want to wake you", he said softly, smiling as his hand rested on my lower back making me shiver, as if he had to prove to me I was actually naked. "Thank you", I said, kissing him. It was only meant to be a small kiss but Ed used a lot more force then expected, kissing me back, causing me to get a bit lost in the moment. He pulled away laughing, "Sorry.. Uh, I have a gig today, just down the road, gotta meet Stuart, talk about UK tour plans and stuff". I nodded. He was going on tour again? He'd only just been. "You need some rest Ed..", I said, but he just shrugged, "I'm fine".

It took us 2 hours and a half to finally get up, get breakfast and get dressed before we were finally ready to leave. It probably would have been quicker if Ed stopped insisting he had to kiss me every 5 minutes, but I didn't really mind, it was cute. I took his hand and we walked down the road to the venue where the cameras were going crazy. Ed's first show back in the UK since he had been touring abroad so, the hype was quite big. He squeezed my hand tighter, as if to say everything was alright and I was re-assured. It was Ed, of course he'd protect me. We quickly snuck in the back entrance and walked into the lounge backstage. "Stu!", Ed called out, making Stuart stand up and go in for a hug, slapping him on the back. "Heard over seas treated you well!", Stuart said, his laugh booming through out the room. "Skye", he nodded, walking over to me. I was surprised he remembered my name and I was even more surprise that he went in to hug me too. He pulled back, obviously a bit embarrassed and sat back down on the couch. Ed sat down too and patted his lap for me to sit on, so I did.

"Alright, we need to talk UK dates", Stuart said as I shuffled about a bit getting comfy. "Okay, I was thinking, a few London dates, Manchester, Birmingham, a few more further north, Scotland, a bit of Irish? Oh and Brighton". Stuart mumbled and scribbled down the names as Ed said them. "Sounds good, how are you both anyway? You look well, happy..", Stuart said. His tone of voice was defiantly nicer since I last saw him and to be honest I really did think this was the 'real' Stuart. The sarcastic, witty Stuart was only there when he was fed up. "All is fine thanks mate, we going to see Jake soon? In the studio?", Ed replied before I had the chance to say anything. "Yeah, course, next week or something, I'll catch you later", Stuart quickly said, getting up and walking off.

The room was now empty except from me and Ed. His arms wrapped around me and I could feel his hands slowly pulling my shirt so he could slip his hand up it to touch my stomach. I shivered slightly as his cold hands touching my warm stomach sent shivers down my spine. "Time and a place Edward", I giggled but he ignored me, now running his hands up the insides of my legs, "Ed stop!", I hissed quietly, trying not to get too excited. He was just about to move his hand higher when Trevor walked in making him drop his hand quickly. "In 5 Ed", he said, throwing his guitar at me. I caught it then stood up and gave it to him. "You'll be amazing!", I said, kissing him. He just replied with an 'Mmmmm' that he mumbled through the kiss before walking off to go on stage.

"Hi my names Ed Sheeran.."

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