1. We meet again.

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A/N: This story used to be on my sisters wattpad account. Now it's on mine. So don't be confused with this story. And I didn't steal it. If you are enjoying the story please vote and comment. It would mean so much to be thanks.

The Assassin

"Miss Swansea, the president of Russia requires your help, should I tell him we're on our way" asked the secretary.

"I guess we could go to him now, as we are on the jet and I have nothing else to do," a tall white women with cheekbones replied. Her dark waist length hair was pulled up in a ponytail. The purple and pink hair streaks were dangling down her face. Her heterochromia blue-green eyes were deducing the case file. "It's not that important but I'll take it."

"The pilot estimates that we should be in Russia in two hours" the secretary known as Roxanne said sitting across from Valetina. "Soooo...When did he propose?"
"Roxy I have no idea what you're talking about. The spy lied. "What would make you think I was engaged?"
"Yeah...right then what's that ring doing on your left hand. It's new and expensive. You would never buy a £3000 ring; you'd rather spend the money of something else."

"You have great deduction skills why aren't you a spy? Peter proposed a week ago...it was romantic and sweet" Valetina murderers don't have these types of emotions. Your fiancée always said it was one of your few weaknesses. She thought to herself sternly.

"I like being safe and behind the lines, you know I hate violence and...." The secretary was cut short by the sound of a gunshot. Valetina jumped into action, she couldn't see the shooter but heard a second shot being fired, as she jumped to the left, the bullet narrowly missed hitting her shoulder. She grabbed her gun from her belt and waited for the next gunshot. None came. One of her body guards was lying on the floor, clutching his chest. He had been hit.

"Cody can you hear me, who did this?" Valetina held up his head.
"The gun...was...pointed at you I had...to keep you a....live. I'm sorry" he replied with his final breath. Roxanne knelt down beside him and checked pulse. He didn't have one.

"Valetina? This was the second attempt of your life this week. By the end of the month you'll be should we do" the African American asked her deep green eyes full of sympathy for the assassin.
"Tell the pilot to change course. I know a man who can help us." The dark haired women smiled.

Valetina stood up and patted Roxy on the back. "There's nothing we can do for him now, Roxanne he knew the dangers of the job"

"Of course Val, I will tell the pilot now, to change course to-" the African American hadn't realised she had not been told of where they were going.

Valentina also seemed to realise that she had not told her best friend the new destination. "England. London. 221b Baker's street. Roxy smiled and went to give new instructions to the pilot.

The detective

"John you are not calling your daughter that" Sherlock said outside of his apartment.
"What's wrong with Molly Watson?"
"It's too simple and another thing..." Sherlock's eyes caught sight of a dark car coming towards him, the car plait was private.

"Sherlock what are you looking at?" but before Sherlock could answer, a women with black hair, dressed in a black cat suit stepped out of the car in front of the detective.
"Sherlock, it's her, the assassin that's been on the news, you know Valentina Swansea, what does she want?" The short man beside the dark haired man gasped.

"John shut up, let me think"
"Hello Mr Holmes did you miss me?" Valetina smirked at the scared and confused look on the ex-doctors face.
"Oh my god, Valetina what the hell are you doing here?" The detective asked.

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