2. Back Story

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All of a sudden the apartment door opened and inspector Lestrade with the armed forces.

"For god sake! Lestrade what are you doing here?" Sherlock barked.

"We got a call from a neighbour saying there was a murder- before you ask it was Mrs Hudson." It took him a minute to realise that the murderer was sitting next to the detective. "Valetina Swansea, what the hell is going on? Arrest her."

The armed men pointed their guns at the assassin, she did not struggle, and she just held her hands in surrender. "Lestrade she's my client you can't arrest my client." Sherlock protested.
"I don't care, she is wanted for murder, and I have no choice. I'm sorry Sherlock." He handcuffed the dark haired women.

"Sherlock it's okay. And Inspector Lestrade in my left pocket is my CIA and FBI badge." He did as he was told and she was right her badges of these secret organisations were in the pocket.
"Why do you have these?" Lestrade asked simply.

"Because I work with them occasionally. Should we go?"
"Seriously you're gonna come willingly. No gun shot out. Nothing."
"Why would I it's just too much trouble."

"I give up. Come on." Lestrade grabbed Valetina and escorted her in to the cop car.

-The detective vs. The Assassin-

"Give us something Sherlock. She's made of stone nothing we do make her talk." Sally Donavon questioned.
"Why would I do that? What she does is nothing to do with me. I am her detective not her father."

"Because you help Scotland Yard that's what you do."

"Yes I do but my clients past are confidential. And whatever id o won't make a difference she's been in Russia and Korea two of the best countries when it comes to torture. She was tortured in both countries for six months about the English spy service, she said nothing and you want to know something she still wakes up in the middle of the nights screaming because the torture was that incredibly painful."

"I'm sorry I asked." Sally muttered.

"How did you know that Valetina was tortured in Russia? "John asked looking through the window into the conversation room where Valetina right wrist was handcuffed to the table. Lestrade was running a hand through his grey hair, frustrated.

"Because I was in Russia at the same time. It was during the two years I was dead. I and she were tortured together." He replied without turning to look at his friend. He was looking intently at Valetina.

"Then how do you know she cries in the night."
"Because I do. She goes to therapy every week."
"How do you know that? Oh just tell me anyways let me guess you know because of her left hand"

"No, when Lestrade took out the badges her Therapists card fell out as well. And she's been tortured of course she needs a therapist."

On the other side of the glass Lestrade was losing the will to live.
"For the love of God, please give us something."
"Why would I do that? I came willingly down to Scotland Yard, but you won't get anything out of me. "

"We can torture you into giving us information." Lestrade suggested.

"Yeah good luck with that I've been tortured in Russia, I didn't give up information now and I defiantly won't tell the kind and polite British anything because you are the worst at torture. And you can't imprison me because I have friends in government. You have nothing against me."

"I may have nothing against you but I can hold you for 24 hours. Just tell us information and you can leave."
"I'm safer in here than I am outside. Anyway you don't trust me" to empathise this she rattled the handcuffs "so how can you trust my information?"

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