6. Dream

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The pain was worst. Each time that whip hit her flesh sent tiny bursts of agony through her body. "You can stop the pain Valetina; just give me the information I need" the voice repeated every time Valetina was tortured.
"Never..." the assassin breathed. "I won't betray him again." The voice chuckled again.
"Come on Swansea we know who your Brother is, your boyfriend. We can make their life a living hell or we can kill them either way you will tell us the information about Sherlock Holmes. You know him, you care for him, but you hate him."
"I don't. I don't." Valetina cried.

"Come on Swansea, if you want to protect them you tell me the security code to the President's office."
"Which one I know so many-Russian, France."
"You know which one, the most powerful man in the world the President of America."
"No...I rather die than let you take over the world. There's only one man that could take over the world and be great at it."

"Your ex, Jim Moriaty. He was smart I'll give you that, but he needed you to give him the information he wanted to bring the world to its knees. That's what you were to him a tool to world domination."
"Don't you think I knew that I was using him as well to get revenge?"

"Naughty Valetina, Lady's don't talk back." The voice laughed and as fast as lightening the whip cracked and blood trickled down the assassins back. She screamed in pain.
"You ba-"she couldn't finish her sentence because another burst of pain spread through her body.

The pain was so real. Red hot flesh tingled with sweat. It was so real yet...

...It was only a dream.

Valetina woke with sweat running of her hot skin. Tangled in bed sheets. She kicked them off. She breathed deeply, scared. She usually dreamed this dream. Although she had never recognised the voice until now. She needed to tell Sherlock but he was probably asleep. Her throat was sore and he then realised she had been screaming in her sleep awakening the whole apartment. She witnessed the door opening; the outside shared its light with Valetina's dark room. Sherlock tall frame stood in the door way behind him was Roxy, rubbing her sleep filled eyes.

"Valery you do know it's like what...1 in the morning." Her best friend yawned.
"Sorry, I had a nightmare." Valetina curled herself into a ball protecting herself from the day dreams.
"Was it your dream about your torture in Syria?" Sherlock asked as he sat next to her.

"Yeah, I have it every-night knowing I couldn't do anything to stop them..."
"Valetina is therapy not helping? "Her friend sat on her other side and petted her leg.
"I haven't been going to therapy. I need these dreams so that I can recognise the voice and I did tonight. It was the same voice in the dream who spoke to me in the hospital. I never saw his face either times but I know his voice."

"Makes sense, not everyone was arrested for kidnapping and torture some fled and others killed themselves as they knew too much. They didn't want the other side to have this type of information. But if you know the voice we can find the man. I wish you didn't have to go through this to find your assassin." Sherlock said.

"When will you tell John? About you and me. He's already of suspicious, Roxy knows and now it's time for you to reveal my true identity to your close friends. I trust them, they have saved your lived and you them." Valetina patted his hand and leaned on Roxy's shoulder.

"We will start soon remember: 'Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.'" Roxy quoted and the two dark haired people smiled.
"Francis of Assisi, good choice," Sherlock nodded his head impressed with the girl he thought 'simple'.

"I have a friend who can help with voice recognition. I'll bring John and Mary too." Sherlock suggested.
"That sounds great Sherlock, we shall go tomorrow."

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