15. He. Her last word.

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Sherlock blamed Mycroft for the death of their sister. He leaned against the wall of the morgue, his eyes were closed and he had bags beneath those judging eyes.
Molly was finishing the ollpopsie on the youngest Holmes sibling. The detective hardly heard Molly speak.

"Sherlock," Molly whispered to the silent detective, he walked to where Molly stood.

He had been quiet ever-since the death. Molly just wanted him to smile again. Though this news would surely break him.

"Eliza was...she was pregnant. I'm so sorry."

Sherlock clenched and unclenched his fists. He spoke with a scary calm voice.

"I was going to be an uncle. I-need some air." He slammed the door open, Molly flinched.

He's heartbroken. Molly signed.

Sherlock Holmes stormed out the door leaving Molly alone with the corpse of Isadora Holmes- Greenwood.

"Oh Eliza. If only you could see your brother now." Molly murmured as she pulled the sheet over the body.


"John, I'm worried about Sherlock. He's not himself." Mary told her husband. "He's grieving."

"For as long as I have known Sherlock I've never seen him like this. The man is blaming himself. She knew her killer, she did this for Delphine." John gritted his teeth, why hadn't he apologized to Eliza before her death.

Scotland Yard was surrounded by the press, all waiting for the statement from Sherlock or Mycroft. The older brother was not getting involved and Sherlock was pushing past the press.

Lestrade angrily stood in front of the cameras and interviewers. They ignored Sherlock, every eye was on the inspector.

The grey haired man cleared his throat and spoke in a crisp tone with no emotion.

"The rumors are true. The assassin known as Valatina Swansea was the sibling of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. Eliza Holmes-Greenwood, was bombed taking her murderer to hell with her. All crimes she has committed have been documented under the Secret Service. Thank you."

Sherlock stormed into Mycroft office, the older Holmes was calmly drinking his tea.

"You knew. You knew what she was going to do, and you didn't stop her. Did you know she was pregnant?"


"No don't Sherlock me. You never cared for her. Never. You came to my rescue when I being tortured but not Eliza. It was your fault, and now he has escaped. He will be furious Mycroft. He sent her letters."

Mycroft rubbed a hand over his face, and breathed in deeply. He looked hurt, but that was impossible. He was the ice man.

"I know you'll blame me, I blame me, her last words to me where "Mycroft I love you even if you don't love me like you should"." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "She was the smartest of us and I recented her for that, I saw her as a smart capable women who could anything instead of my baby sister who needed protecting. I now I'm a bad brother and now 'he' is back."

"I shall read one of them out, shall I?" Sherlock coughed, Mycroft silently nodded his head.

My dearest Eliza,
This idea of yours is crazy, you can not sacrifice yourself for the virgin and the ice-man, you are too precious. I was was able to do so I would have sent one of my men to end this discomfort of yours, I can not help but hear my heart and that of your husbands breaking one we hear of your death.
Sweet, loving Isadora I will weep your death like Mycroft will never do. I fear this will be our last letter before your suicide, so I will remind you once again that I love you, Eliza you brighten my day and lift my spirits whenever I receive your letters in this godforsaken cell.

Yours forever loving,

"We can't find the last letter sent, he tells her his escape in that one perhaps it holds clues for us?" Sherlock finished though his older brother gazed into the distance so the detective left.

Oh Eliza what have you done, you know Ford is a criminal, the most dangerous threat before Moriaty. Mycroft thought, as he flipped through her file and Ford's.

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