10. Explaining

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"What do you mean that bloody murderer is your sister!" John couldn't believe he never saw the resemblance between his best friend and the god-mother of his child. They had the same eyes and facial structure. Perhaps the only difference was that the assassin was not as cold as the detective.

And here John thought Valetina and Sherlock were dating or were in a relationship of some sort. But it never crossed the doctor's mind

"I mean she was created by my mother and father who told me I was excepting a sister at the age of 7. Mycroft was not happy he said a girl would not be as intelligent as the male Holmes. Isadora is the first girl to be born into the Holmes family for 100 years."

"And the agent? The one you hate so much is what? A cousin you hate or a former friend?" John now curious began to ask questions like an excited child. Sherlock seemed to enjoy the attention and told him everything as the two friends walked back to the questioning floor of Scotland Yard.

"I wish. He is my sister's lover. Fiancée, she didn't need to tell me." Sherlock bitterly replied.
"You're going to tell me how you know, aren't you?"
"A ring, un-noticed unless you're looking for it. She doesn't wear jewellery, they would get splattered with blood but why would she wear a ring unless it meant something to her. Duh it's a present."

"But you knew anyway, you knew how much your sister and the agent cared for each other even if you didn't see the ring. You've met Greenwood before." The ex-army doctor stated as he gazed at the assassin in a new light through the glass.

"Of course I did, she's my baby sister it's my job to protect her, and that agent was the reason why the president of America's child to be kidnapped. He betrayed Eliza, and all this was during my 'two years of death'."

"So this is why you were so keen to help her. So if she's your sister why doesn't Mycroft help her like he you?" John thought though only realised once Sherlock raised an eyebrow at him did he realise that he had spoken his thoughts out loud.

"My older brother being head of the government is powerful even so he could never control Eliza she always bested him at everything. Sport, School and emotions. He thinks because our little sister is the smartest of the Holmes she doesn't need anyone's help. How wrong he was. Tortured and abused for months before he sent help. You know why my sister became what she is... Mycroft. His fault. Spent her away with no explanation whilst, he made her believe he didn't care for her."

Listening to Sherlock talk about his younger sister showed that he did care and have emotions like a normal person. He made everyone think he was a sociopath with no heart. Instead he had a heart and one that would protect his loving sister. "That John is why I look after my sister because our older brother who is supposed to protect us does not. Sure he protects me but not the world's most wanted and dangerous assassin who he created."

When her brothers had sent her to America, the young assassin wanted revenge for abandoning her. Moriaty had offered his services but this was when Isadora was Jade Green, welsh secretary to a politician who was abusive to his employees, and of course she said yes and gave him the details of the Holmes brother.

She underwent a transformation. Blonde hair and brown contacts. A psycho lover to a psycho killer. She was with him in the shadows when the consulting criminal met the consulting detective, smiling at her brother's demise. From then on Jade Green could be seen with Jim Moriaty constantly. She had a deep suspicion that her boyfriend was gay and had the hots for her brother but ignored it. Jade Green soon became popular as she kissed every one of Jims customers or enemies.

To keep Isadora stay in her act she flirted with her brother, making the public wonder who loved Sherlock more, Green or Moriaty. Sherlock knew who Jade was but played along with the act knowing if Jim knew the truth the result would be worse for the lover. Eventually Sherlock was successful in separating his sister from his enemy, he alone spoke with the crazed girlfriend of the world's dangerous criminal.

The brother argued that he knew nothing of Mycroft's plan to send her away but did reveal that it was the only way to keep her safe, giving her a fake name to live by with their uncle. The same name she would use when she decided to become an assassin. It was only when Eliza was 17 did she decide to become a murderer, pressured by the government. After Sherlock sent three hours convincing his sister that she was on the wrong side she gave in and agreed to help.

She gave her lover fake facts along with real information to ensure Moriaty wouldn't get suspicious, though he suspected it he denied it as he had a soft spot for his girlfriend. Jade would then give Sherlock plans and information. When Moriaty 'killed himself' Jade needed to die along with him to keep up with the madly in love psychopath. She killed herself by jumping off a building just like her brother though 12 hours after, allowing Eliza to go back to being Valetina.

She then spent 6 months in Russia alongside her brother, whipped and abused for English secrets, Mycroft saved them. Whilst Sherlock was dead she helped his sister rescue the president's daughter and reveal the mole. Peter Greenwood, his sister's friend and love interest. Holmes being the over protective brother, threatened the agent, if he broke Eliza's heart, Sherlock would break him. Resulting in the dislike between each other.

And you want to know why Eliza kept herself secret, why no-one knew she was the last Holmes. Because she was ashamed. Ashamed that she hadn't done something brilliant with her life, she could have become a doctor. A scientist. Instead she became a murderer and a spy, deducing the weaknesses and the next move of her opponent.

That and also to keep her family safe. If her enemies knew she was the youngest of the Holmes siblings she would be putting her loved ones at risk, and people would except more of her since she was a Holmes. Ever since she was young she believed she was a burden to her brothers, that she was stupid and un-like her brothers. After all she was not cold hearted nor a sociopath like her dear older brothers.

She wanted to be normal and that is why she wanted a normal best friend Roxanne- an African-American who was similar to Eliza and a translator. Peter Greenwood her boyfriend, not described as normal but less insane than both of her brothers.

A/N: I tried something different for this chapter. I tried writing it different from my other chapters in this story. Now you know Isadora 'Eliza' Holmes past and life.

Next chapter is the wedding of Peter and Eliza. J

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