5. Spy

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Agent Greenwood was scanning the file on the world's best female Assassin, Valetina Swansea. In this photo her hair was a light brown with no pink or purple highlights not like her black hair now. A week ago she had gone off the radar. Her private jet was schedule to land in Russia, but instead her jet had landed in France and from there she disappeared. None of her body-guards or secretaries knew where she went. Only Roxy had gone with her. The president wasn't worried neither was her commanding officer. No-one but himself.

Peter Greenwood remembered his first encounter with the young assassin, he had betrayed her. And this had made her the cold and murderous woman she was today. He regretted all he had done, but not announcing his love for her. She had laughed at him; she had asked him why he would betray if he loved her.

To protect her family. He had never told the spy why he had nearly killed her 3 years ago. Perhaps she would forgive him, if Peter was to tell her the truth, but alas the secret agent, who had faced the deadliest dangers with-out flinching, was too scared to reveal the truth. The woman he loved would always hold some wariness against him, but who could blame her. However their friendship had grown since his betrayal and Valetina had confided Peter her mission to destroy Sherlock Holmes. She had betrayed every agent and country by doing this. Of course Greenwood had helped her; he wanted to gain her oppression. Then he became Jealous of Moriaty that psychotic Irish genies. She had always been attracted to psychopaths. For some time and was still Jealous of the brilliant Holmes.

Tall, Dark and handsome. Any girl would have been attracted to him. Wasn't he supposed to be dead, he had jumped off a building, very few knew how he survived, this included Swansea. John Watson didn't even know and he was the detective's best friend and now rumours of Moriaty stating he was still alive. Sherlock had asked for Valetina's help during his two year 'death' and he had discovered Valetina and Sherlock loved each other. It had broken Peter's heart.

During this investigation Sherlock had been very cold to Peter- like he was with very one- however he gave him the worst of looks. He was debating whether he was worthy of Valetina's companionship. Peter could still remember his conversation with the Brit. Sherlock had sent shivers down Greenwood's spine, the dark haired man had warned the American if he caused any pain, whether emotional of physical towards Valetina, Sherlock would see to it that he was never heard of again. Peter dare not get on his wrong side; Sherlock had Mycroft who controlled the Government. They could easily make him disappear.

It was a known fact that Sherlock Holmes hated Americans with a burning passion, though the only American he seemed to get on with was the young assassin, and no-body knew what country she came from. She could be Russian for all they knew. It would be ironic since American and Russian spies did not trust each other and would normally sabotage missions.

"Agent 137" barked the director Andrew Peace. Kind of ironic since he loved a good old fight.
"Yes Sir" Peter stood up and saluted. The agents deep brown eyes stared into the old man's grey eye that pierced a man's soul. Not Valetina's, she was the only one who didn't stand down when he looked at her with his old eyes that had seen the world as it truly was.

"Where is Agent Swansea?" Mr Peace never bothered using numbers for Valetina she was by far the best spy in the agency and a favourite of the president. She was the one he trusted the most. Valetina had saved his daughter from a group of Moriaty's service. At first the president was spectacle of asking the assassin to retrieve his daughter; she was connected to this group. But to Moriaty's men both their leader and his lover had killed themselves. No matter her connection to the men, Valetina wouldn't leave an innocent child in their hands. Children were one of her few weaknesses. Sherlock, Peter and Valetina had saved her just in time, but that is a different story.

"I don't know Sir." Peter answered truthfully running a hand through his jet black hair.
"Damn it!" the American cursed. "Greenwood you do know that Valery has been in some trouble the last few weeks?"

"Yes" he was the one who had convinced her to hire a guard which she wasn't happy about but then again when was she rarely was. "I believe she asked you for advice."
"But she has gone off the map, literally. No credit cards, GPS or anything that can be tracked back to her has been used. I think the treat has grown too strong even for her and now she is hiding with someone she can trust."

"She doesn't trust a lot of people; many people would reveal her hiding place to the enemy. No the only people she would trust would be her family, or other spy's who would betray their whole country to keep her safe. She would stay with someone who wouldn't even tell her own agency were she was in case one of us betrayed her, like I did." Peter rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"She wouldn't go to her family; her enemies would know who she was and would then be signing the death warrant for her loved ones. I only know two people who would betray their whole country to protect her and that's her best friend Roxanne Matthews, I always knew Roxy was too loyal for her own good and now she's in hiding with her so she's no help and," Andrew looked directly into Agent 137's eyes. "And you... but you can't protect her whilst you are standing here and I know you're not lying. You always crack under my gaze when you do."

"So that only leaves... the man who would kill to protect her, the cold devil of a man..."Andrew eye's widened. "No she wouldn't, would she?"
Peter knew the man in which Andrew spoke of. "She would if he was the only person now who could save her. Yes. She has gone into hiding with no-other than the devil himself...Mr Sherlock Holmes."

"Ya have to after her; we can't have our best spy missing." The boss encouraged, but Peter knew this would only make the assassin angry.
"I'll go, but she won't be happy about it neither will Mr Holmes." Peter answered.
"I don't care, I just want Val returned to America safely I do want to tell the President that his favourite secret agent was killed because the FBI was incapable of protecting a 24 year old girl." Andrew said angrily, and Peter nodded in agreement, no-one wanted to tell the most powerful man in the world that his daughters saviour was dead because the CIA and FBI combined couldn't save her.

"I'll go right now, but I won't be welcomed in Sherlock's home, hates me, because I nearly killed Swansea" Peter Greenwood muttered as he collected his file on the assassin and went to the airport, remembering to take this FBI badge so he could board a plan without trouble or questions.

As the spy sat down in his seat he noticed another man dressed in black with sunglasses. He tried not to panic as it could be anyone. Many men dressed in black suits. He reasoned with himself. But he noticed the silver gleam of a pistol. Could I just enjoy my plane trips just once? He asked himself as he stood and approached the man. Peter acted casual but the other man knew he was also a spy. Peter guessed he was Russian.

"You could have given me a day off, Vladislav." Peter said shaking his head, he always had to work with or fight against him, he knew the Russian like he knew himself.

The Russian Spy shacked his head sadly, "I vish I could, my friend, but alas I have job o do yov" he took his gun out and showed it to the civilians on the plane.

"Please, what's your mission this time?" Peter asked not wanting the other spy to kill innocent people.

"I've tooo protect the spy known asss Valetina Swansea." Vladislav said coldly, Peter couldn't help but laugh, he had been assigned to the same mission.

"Then lower your gun, we're both on the same mission." Peter said dragging the big man away from the frightened people and towards his seat. "Why have you been assigned to protect Valetina? She is not a spy for you."

"No, she isn't, however the president like's her very much and wants her to live. He has made sure she's protected after she protected his little secret that only few know, she is a good person." The spy smiled at Peter.

"Aye she is, too good for her own good." Peter muttered. Did every-country want Valery alive or was it just the countries that she had helped and wanted to repay her by making sure so harm came to her. Peter thought as the jet gently crossed the sky.

A/N: I was really busy again so this chapter is late and I'm sorry. But I'm writing over stories (that I'm so excited to share once finished) so I am Sorry.

Please Comment and vote and tell what you think and hopefully I'll update on time next week (Friday) or I might have to change my update time to Saturdays.

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