16. Prologue

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Peter and Baby May sat and watched the coffin being lowered to the ground.

Mycroft and Sherlock and their parents stood over the grave saying their good-byes. Mrs Holmes was weeping and her husband hugged her to his chest. Sherlock and Mycroft were emotionless as always but even from where Roxy sat she could she that Sherlock eyes were glazed and Mycroft composure was less stiff. John and Mary also gave their respects, Delphine holding her father's hand as she placed a lily on the coffin. May was cuddled to her father's chest breathing in this warmth.

A few weeks after Eliza's death, Peter had awoken to a knock on the door and there in a cardboard box lay a curly dark haired child with a note attached.

Her name is May, please look after her. I can't tell you too much but this is Eliza's and yours baby, born prematurely. The baby in the corpse was a hoax. Eliza knew she would die, she gave birth to little May Serena Greenwood. Love and care for her.

They was no denying it, DNA proved was who the note said she was. As angry and sad as he was, he was a good father and Sherlock a great uncle. Roxy was her godmother. May would never know her mother and it broke Roxy's heart.

May would grow up not knowing her mother, or the amazing women she was. She had tried to make the world safer for her children, she would never have a mother. Peter loved Eliza and would never marry again even if Isadora wanted him too, Roxy would make sure May grew up with a mother figure. Roxy would love her like her own, May reminded her of her mother.

She watched tearfully as the coffin was lowered in to the ground and covered with dirt, a dark shadow loomed over her, she thought it was her soul but then noticed it was a person standing over her, Roxanne looked up.

"Roxanne Matthews," a tall and beautiful red headed women with stunning hazel eyes sat down beside the grieving African-American, not waiting for her to give her permission to sit. "I have a proposition for you. I have been observing you for a long time now and I would like you to work for me."

"Why? I just lost my best friend and I can't deal with you now. What do you want?" She asked sharply, she really couldn't deal with anyone else. "Get lost." It was then that she noticed the handsome tall man with dark hair who watched the redhead with adoration.

"Roxanne, I knew Isadora." The red headed lady said kindly, she dropped her spitefulness. "If you come to work for me I will tell you who killed you friend so that you can seek revenge for her death."

"No, Eliza would not want me to look for revenge, but on the condition of knowing the murderer I will work for you." To seal the deal they shook on it, the red head smiled and got up to leave. Roxy only realised she hadn't asked for the woman's name, she called after her. The red-head was walking away, arm linked with the unidentified man.

"What's your name?"

"Dear girl, I go by many name, Mistress Evil, psychopath and some times the devil." She began walking again and shouted over her shoulder (still walking) "You can call me Scarlet. Miss Scarlet Red. The new assassin in town." She smiled at the dark haired man to her left, gesturing for him to speak.

"I'm Ford." He was British, Roxy gasped, the Ford the man Eliza contacted before her death, Roxy had to restrain her self from attacking him. "Don't worry dear everything will be revealed in due time." Ford Smirked and walked away with Scarlet on his arm.

A/N: So we're done. That's it, thank you to everyone who suck with this story. Check out my other stories, my loving fans, you have made this story worth writing. Sometime soon I will come back and edit it, but until then enjoy this story with lot's of grammar mistakes.

Sorry the last few chapters have been short but I wanted to finish this story quickly.

There will be a sequel called Scarlet that will centre around Sherlock after the death of his sister and the news that a new Assassin is on the block and she is more dangerous and she listens to no-one. He will seek Scarlet down to find Eliza's killer, who may have escaped the bomb. We also meet the mysterious Ford, and learn more about him. A secret Lover, perhaps?

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