11. You're the Best Man!

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Valetina or should I say Eliza, picked up the violin that she had been given as a young girl. It had been years since she had picked up the instrument, could she still play?

Testing her memory, she placed the violin beneath her chin and picked up the bow and began to play. All those years of sadness and love came rushing back to her, creating a beautiful symphony on the violin.

She was lost in the music and began dancing around her brother's apartment. She stopped playing and opened her eyes, sitting in his chair was her older brother smiling, his hands placed under his chin.

"I haven't heard you play in ages, Isadora. I began to think you had forgotten." The assassin turned away and carefully put the instrument on the table.

"I had a good teacher, even after all these years I still play when I am angry, sad or happy." Sitting across from her brother she looked out on Baker Street.

"Are you angry with me, brother?" She asked, Eliza never knew what her brother was thinking. She may be a Holmes but the Holmes siblings were very good at hiding their secrets.

"Angry? No. Annoyed-yes. I am your brother and you never bothered to mention your engagement." It had been two months since Eliza's true identity was revealed to Sherlock's friends.

"That's what I wanted to speak to you about. Would you be the best man, Peter won't ask he's too proud. And Roxy will be the maid of honour."

"You want me as your best man." Sherlock raised an eyebrow. He remembered when his best friend- his only friend- asked him to be the best man. "Why does everyone want me as the best man?" He murmured, Eliza did not hear him.

"Yes, you're my brother and I want this day to be special, please Sherlock, you're my best friend. No-one else understands me like you not even Roxy. I have invited Mycroft but I doubt he will show, he doesn't care for me." Isadora was now pleading with her older brother.

"Fine. At least I have experience, hopefully there will be a murder like last time. That was brilliant."

Eliza shook her head, she had mixed feelings about his murder idea. On one hand she did not want to deal with a murder case on her wedding, however it would kind of fun. The Holmes siblings always enjoyed a good murder. The Mayfly case was interesting, though Isadora was an assassin and spy she had never thought to kill a person with a small blade through the stomach.

There was a knock on the apartment door and a giant Russian man entered, Vladislav. The Russian spy had been hiding since he arrived in the country, Peter and he had joined up to find the man or woman who wanted the world's greatest assassin dead. Peter was away in America thus he couldn't protect nor guard his fiancée therefore the spy had asked Vladislav to.

"Hey Vlad, its okay you can go home, I'm safe here." Valetina smiled, getting up to pat the man on the shoulder. He was reluctant to leave, only after Eliza had threatened him did he leave.

"So what's your answer to my question dear brother?" Isadora Elizabeth May Holmes asked sitting across from William (Sherlock's real name.)

"I will be the best man at your wedding. Greenwood doesn't know you asked me does he?"

"No, though he knows I've already chose my man, he's not an idiot he will figure out that you are the person in question." Eliza smirked to her-self she imagined Roxy and Sherlock at her wedding they would be arguing over their deductions. "Promise me Sherlock that you want have sex with the maid of honour."

Sherlock looked at his sister shocked. "I...uh..."

"You don't have to look so scared, Sherlock. Her boyfriend will be there. Gee Irene was right about you your such a virgin."

Eliza had been the one to get Irene 'the women' Adler in to witness protection program at Sherlock's request. Since then Irene had sent messages to Eliza, Irene didn't know who Eliza really was and if she did she wasn't telling.

"Great the women and my sister are conspiring against." Sherlock muttered which made his young sister laugh.

A/N: So here you go sorry it took me two weeks to update, been super busy. And we have the return of Vlad and we see and hear Eliza play. Just click on the youtube video to hear Eliza and play and also see the picture of Eliza playing.

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