13. Kipnapping

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"Lestrade you take the lower half of London, we will take the other half." Sherlock Holmes ordered Peter and John were on the phone, asking if any-one had seen Eliza.

Peter and Isadora had come home from their honeymoon when they had been attacked and Eliza was now missing. Knowing he couldn't find his wife by himself he went to the best detective and asked for help. Now Scotland Yard and her friends were searching for the spy.

Mycroft was there, as-well though he didn't see what the fuss was about, after-all Isadora was a well-trained spy and a Holmes. Sherlock had reminded him that he couldn't escape his kidnapping in Serbia and he had to rescue him. Mycroft grunted and resumed making notes. Sherlock rolled in eyes and resumed discussing plans for Eliza'

Eliza's dreams were haunted by the terrors of her past. Her first murder, her two brothers sending her away. A tall haired man smiled sadly at her. In the darkness she couldn't see his face but she never forgot that face, a man who understood her better than Mycroft and Sherlock.

A man who supported her marriage to Peter. A man even Roxy didn't know about. She murmured his name in her sleep.

"Do not stay asleep, my dear Eliza. You must fight. You have a family; don't lose them as I did mine." His calm voice made Isadora bubble with guilt, even if his imprisonment was not her fault.

"Do not feel sorry for me, I made my decision, I could not blame it on you even if I wanted, and you were barely seven when I tried to rule the world. Go. Wake up."

Eliza lay on a long table her wrists and ankles were tied to the board, Isadora knew what it was as soon as she saw the cranking wheel. A medieval torture device, she knew there was no point in struggling. In the corner stood the same man from the hospital. She could see him clearly now.

And she recognised him immediately; a man she thought was dead.

She had killed his brother five years ago. He was the leader of white shadow, a gang who the police could never catch. Douglas and his brother were her mission she was to bring them in, his brother had tried to kill her, in defence she had shot him in the heart.

"Good you have awakened. It wouldn't have been any fun if you slept." he moved closer to the wheel and placed his hand on it "don't worry I won't kill you, not now. You are extremely hard to kill. I had planned to kill you this way but you really don't care if you die you care about your family, so i had a great idea, i won't tell you now. I want fun."

"I didn't mean to kill your brother but he shot me." Eliza tried to reason with the tall bleach blonde man. "It was self-defence, and I would do it again."

"I had to burn his corpse, so no DNA, or health or tooth records would help in the identification. You don't know what it's like, the pain of losing your brother. Having to burn him to ash."

I do. More than you know! She thought though she didn't say it out loud. "So you'd rather give me a chose, my death or my family's. You don't scare me; I was the girlfriend of Jim Moriarty."

"You pain will satisfy me, I don't need you afraid," his fingers circled around the handle and moved the wheel towards him.

The assassin screamed out in agony as the machine yanked her limbs from her body.

While Douglas tortured Sherlock's sister he would ask questions. Secrets he needed and she only knew.

"You spoke of a man in your sleep, muttering "I'm sorry" to the person in your dream. Ford. Curious name, who is he? Another man you killed."

"No..." She replied breathlessly, "he is a man...that Mycroft imprisoned. I'm sorry because he- he was a man who I would give my life for and vice versa. He has escaped the Russian prison"

"Who would have thought Eliza?" he smirked at her shocked reaction. "That you were a loving sister and aunt. The assassin does have a heart"

"By now your planning your escape but no-need I have already switched on your GPS on your phone. I'll be gone before their here. If you tell them that you saw my face I will kill your goddaughter."

The pain was causing her to blackout; these were the last words she heard before her eyes closed. I know he was not lying about murdering Delphine.

The Detective V.s. The Assassin.

"It must be a trap; Eliza would have used her GPS ages ago if she was kidnapped." Peter slammed the laptop screen down.

"Well, we don't have a choose if we want to get her back. John's phoning Lestrade now he'll make his way to the abandoned factory, we'll get there faster we're closer." Sherlock snapped, he may be his sister's husband but that didn't mean he didn't hate Greenwood.

After Peter, Sherlock and John hailed a cab and told the driver where to go; they arrived at the factory where they believed kept Eliza. They split up Sherlock and John taking the ground floor and the spy taking the upper levels.

Despite their differences many months ago, John had grown to like Isadora; she wasn't the assassin he had thought she was. Instead she was a loving, happy woman who would protect her love ones, much like the ex-army doctor.

Sherlock was running beside him, who would have thought Sherlock the man who hated everyone would love anyone but himself. He did indeed love his baby sister, like a grown brother should.

Sherlock's phone beeped, he was amazed that they had signal in this building, the detective quickly answered. "He's found her!"

A/N: So sorry for not updating in ages, writers block. Vote and comment. XXX. I hope this was up to your standard and that it was worth the long long wait

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