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Your Song - Elli Goulding
1985 - Bowling for Soup
Stay - Mayday Parade



I woke up with a pounding headache and sharp pains in my leg, arm, and side. I lugged myself out of bed and hobbled to my rolly chair. I got in it an rolled into the hallway. I rolled to my dad's room and knocked but I got no answer.

I rolled further down the hallways and got to Jaime's room. I knocked on the door and a sleepy Jaime answered.

"What do you want, ell?

" I don't feel good,"

He carefully lifted me out of the chair and sat me on his bed. He mumbled a 'I'll be back' and came back a few minutes later with ice and pain meds.

I took the medication and layed in his bed. He passed out on his side and I fell asleep on mine.

I woke up to Jaime talking on the phone, the preexisting headache was still apparent and hurt with every movement. Jaime was quietly saying,

"Yeah, wait she just woke up....we have vocals today?.... Both of us? .....what about Mike and Tony.... Well shit.... Are you still with Danielle... Ask her.. Okay I'll tell her... Yeah...bye"

He got up and turned on his flatiron.

"Danielle is coming to stay with you since your sick. Take 2 more pills and go put on some clean clothes, you wont be able to come upstairs much. And take off your boot and have a bath. No shower. You can't stand on your foot for that long" I muttered an okay and popped my pills.

I wheeled my self to my bathroom. I took off my boot and rubbed my aching leg. I ran the bath as hot as I could get it and added bubbles. I slid into the tub and shampooed my hair, I added in the conditioner and let it sit.

The thoughts of the threats I got from the Carmike twins. I scrubbed away at my body trying to remove all of the anxiety from the past few days. I rinsed my hair and body and carefully removed myself from the tub with my one good leg. I got into my rolly chair once again and slid into my room.

I picked out my tie dye shorts and a black sweater. I put on long black socks and put my boot cast on the hurt leg over the sock. I put my ugg on one leg and got my purse, laptop, and glasses just in case we left. I rolled into the hallway and into himes room.

"I'm ready"

"Okay, I'm gonna take you downstairs and talk to you for a minute." I gave him a puzzled look and nodded.

He carried me downstairs and then brought me water and a sandwich.I munched on my sandwich while he sat across from me on the couch.

"I just wanted to let you know that I saw your computer yesterday night. That kills me ell. If you ever need me, I'm here. And I know that Justin boy has your side. I'm not gonna tell vic yet because he will kill someone
We all love you, rmemeber that" We heard the door open and my Dad and Danielle walked in.

"Come on Jaime, we have to go." My dad said as he ran over and gave me a huge hug and a kiss.

"Hey baby, take all 3 of your prescriptions and use ice. I'm sorry you don't feel good and I wasn't here. I went to Dani's house. I love you so much. Tonight we can go to dinner if you feel better. Here's my debit card if you need anything." He gave me kiss on the head and ran, grabbing Jaime on the way out.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom I'll be right back." Danielle stated as she ran upstairs. I grabbged my pill planner out of my bag and took one pain pill, one anxiety pill, and one depression pill. I swallowed them in one big gulp. My headache was subsiding.

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