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••••AN: Picture: gifts••••

December 25


I woke up in Elliot's room, again. I make sure to leave every morning before she wakes up, she still cries every night, but doesn't remember it.

Usually after she goes to bed it starts, I don't know why, I don't really care if I find out. I slid out of bed and walked downstairs to put Christmas presents out. Mike and Tony were asleep on the couch. They stayed over since it was Christmas. After I placed the present out I went back upstairs and went to bed in my room.


Its Christmas and its weird having a loving family for the first time in forever. I skipped down the hall past Jaime's room, and then down the stairs. Mike and Tony were on the couch. Great, I need  them for this to work. I had to get them up, first I  knelt besides Tony, he tends to be more gentle in the morning.

"Tony, wake up, Its Christmas, wake up I need help, nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-" he sat up and rubbed his eyes,

"Why, hello, what do you want,"

"Its a surprise now go to the kitchen while I wake up Mike."

"Have fun with that" Tony said as he got up and headed to the kitchen.

I determinedly stomped over to Mike and knelt down next to him.

"Uncle Mikey, I need help."

"Go away, "

" but Its Christmas,"

"But I don't care!"

"Meanie, I'm telling Vic your being mean."

"Elliot you wouldn't dare" I stomped away and slowly stomped up the stairs. Halfway up I felt Mike grab my arm and pulled me backwards.

"What do you need,"

"Yes, yes yes, let's go to the kitchen!" I said as I danced down the stairs. When we got to the kitchen I got Vic's iPod and put it on the speaker dock. I picked a random All Time Low song and put shuffle.

"Okay, Mike get pancake mix and bacon, Tony get a pan and butter" they both nodded and mike sighed.

After we mixed the pancakes and cooked the bacon we started on the pancakes. We were making the last ones when "Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass" by All Time Low came on.

I started belting the lyrics soon mike and Tony joined in. We were all screaming the lyrics when Vic and Jaime came down.

"SO SICK OF CALLING, YOU WONT TELEPHONE ME, NO, FUCK YOU GIRL IM GOING OUT!"  Vic turned down the music and stared at me.

"Ell, don't say bad words, stay young as long as possible."

"VICTURRRR MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" he pulled me into a suffacting hug and kissed the top of my head.

"HIMEEEEEEEE" I jumped on Jaime's back and we both fell over and started hysterically laughing.

"Ok losers get up let's eat" Tony said trying to act stern.

///////1 hour later////////


Once Elliot realized how many presents she has she flipped,

"Guys, now I feel bad, I got your guys stuff for under 50 dollars"

"Shut up and open them, you little baby" Tony replied.

Elliot replied by sticking her tounge out, he did it right back. She started opening the first one and then all of the others until only one was left.

"Now, Ell. I don't know if you want this but I'm guessing you do, but you have to be responsible with it, okay?" I told her as she stared at the tiny box.

"Ummm Ok, can I open it now?" I nodded back at her then she ripped open the paper and her eyes went wide. Inside was an iPhone 6+ with a tie dye Otter Box.


She jumped onto me and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her on the head. We stayed like this for a few minutes then she popped up and stood infront of the tree.

"Now its your guys turn." She pulled four wrapped boxes out from under the tree and gave each of us one. Mike got a small one, Tony got a huge one, Jaimes was medium sized, and my present was a few small and thin presents tied together.

"Mike you go first."

Mike excitedly openend the box to find a little box. When he opens the little box he found a few pieces of paper $50 and a few bracelets.

He chuckled and said, "Ell, what is this"

"Well, uncle Mike, it's your new tattoo and some accessories"

He held up the paper and his eyes grew wide and a wild grin came upon his face. He gently shut the box and got up and hugged Elliot

"Thank you so much, I love it"

Once they pulled away from the hug she turned to Tony

"Okay, open it!"

He looked at the huge box and pulled off the paper, he looked at it and jumped over to Elliot. I got up and saw what it was and it was perfect for Tony. It was a Darth Vader electric guitar.

"I found it at the guitar store for $150 but I bargained it down to $50 and your guys autographs"

Tony started laughing as he pulled away from the hug, he sat back down and admired his new 'toy'.

Elliot turned to Jaime and he ripeed open his present.

"This is really cool Elli Belli, thanks." He pulled her into a bear hug and showed us his gift. It was a guitar pick clock, and on the back it had a long note ending in 'It's always hime time'.

Elliot turned to me and looked nervously at the gifts in my hand.

"Go ahead, open them"

I slowly tore off the paper making eye contact with her every few seconds. I ended up with four small discs on my lap. They were each labeled: Vic's present Volume 1,2,3,4

They each had a list of songs,

"If you ever feel down I made those CDs to remind you that what you did for me was-" she looked down and a tear streamed down her face.

"What you did was great, you saved me and I have no way to repay you. I love you Dad" I pulled her into my chest and she cried. A few of my own tears streamed into her hair. She called me dad!


I called him dad and I meant it.

This is only part one for Christmas.
I will have another long chapter up closer to Christmas.

Follow the official twitter for this fanfic. DM me with any questions about the story, life problems or character requests

Twitter: @bbabvf



Stay beautiful lovelies.

You are worth it

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