Chapter 26

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Danessa POV

I'm glad that my brothers came by to see me.

"Frank have you talked to Carrol?" I ask looking at him.

"No I haven't last time I talked to her she was in the hospital having another baby?" He says.

"Another one that girl need to stop." I say messing with my hair.

"Yeah I know I'll need to bring your nieces over here to see their auntie cause they miss you?" He said smiling.

"I miss my babies too!!!" I say hugging him.

Just then my doorbell rings and one of my brothers jumps up to go get it. My door opens and I see Luscious walk in with my brother.

"Hi Danessa I am so sorry that my son did that to you and I want you to know if you press charges you'll be out of a job just to let you know?" He said.

"Mr. Lyon by all due respect I am pressing charges on your son I'm sorry if this is a shocker to you or whatever but your son robbed me of something and I can't just let that go?" I say.

"I see Ms. Cortez well your just gonna have to talk to Cookie about that?" He says.

"Ok will do now John can you please escort Mr. Lyon out of my house please?" I say.

He looks at John then walks out on his own. John walks back and I hear my front door close.

"Why did he just come here?" Frank asks.

"I don't know and I don't care. I'm hungry go fix me something to eat Adrian?" I say looking at my brother.

"Why do I gotta go fix you something to eat how come Johnathen can't fix you nothing to eat?" He said whining.

"Cause I said so now go?" I say demanding him.

He gets up and mumbles something under his breathe while closing my door.

"I love you to Adrian!!!" I yell.

"You two always getting into it somehow y'all just need to have y'all own apartment tpgether." John says looking at me.

"Oh really I would love to that happen they can't stand each other?" Richard says laughing.

"That's not funny I know we don't get along but we do love each other?"

"Yeah I know" David said.

Just then my phone rings and I see it's a text from cookie.

Cookie: Hey Nessa girl um did Luscious come talk to you about the whole situation. You can come to work in about 2 weeks I want you to rest.

Danessa: Yes he did cookie and it wasn't a good talk either. Awe thanks cookie I'll be there.

Then my phone buzzes and I see it's a text from Jamal, an Hakeem.

Jamal: Hi beautiful I was just calling to tell you on our date next week I decided to do something other than a movie is that fine with you?

Danessa: Ok I would love to see what you have in store for me on this date and I don't mind that little minor change it doesn't bother me.

Hakeem: Hi Danessa look that whole mess that happened today wasn't me it was Anika she planned the whole thing and she said if I do it then I'll get empire so I did and I'm really sorry for putting you through that. I would just really like it if you would forgive me.

Danessa: Really Hakeem you think you can fool me like that? How do you think I'm supposed to believe that I'll believe it when I see it.

Hakeem:I'm being serious Anika put me up to it ask Jamal if you don't believe me?

Danessa: Alright I will?

I put my phone down and look up at my brothers who are all looking at me.

"Who was you texting?" Adrian asks holding my plate of food.

"People why does it matter to you?" I say in a sigh.

"Girl don't talk to me like that I was just asking damn!!!" He yelled.

"Why you yelling!!!" I yelled.

"Well cause I'm sick of you having this dumbass attitude and always thinking your better than half of us in this family you piss me off so much I don't even know why we even came here in the first place. An yet we trusted you with our baby brothers look at what happened I told Shannon from the start that you weren't fit to be a parent to our siblings and she still let you have them, An second you set yourself up to getting raped I swear you deserved it cause you are an ungrateful piece of shit that needs to be put in your place." He said.

"So is that How you all feel?" I asked looking at them.

"Well yeah it is?" Frank said.

"Fine get the hell out of my house none of y'all know the half of what I've been going through. I'm sick of each and everyone of you none of you was there when I was being raped as a child now were you no so don't give me that bullshit of how I've changed and think I'm better than everyone else at least I have a job and am not some idiotic dumbass who wants to sit back and, let my woman do all the work while I do I don't know what so therefore don't talk about my life if you don't know it. An therefore why was y'all even talking to Shannon anyway you know that bitch was just a golddigger there for the money so it's y'all lose and for your information I take damn good care of my brothers better than you all will ever be parents so don't say none of that shit." I say with tears streaming down my face.

"Danessa we're sor-" John tries to say but I point to the door for them to leave.

"Don't say anything to me I can't take any of ya'll's bullshit anymore why'd you think I got custody of my brothers, and left huh I wanted what's best for them and this family that we have right here isn't it.You all come everywhere I'm at now but when I was growing up and getting raped none of you was there when your friends that you grew up with raped me while you all were drunk or either high so I'm done I'm not fucking with none of y'all basterds." I say.

They all start walking out of my door and then I hear my front door close an I get up to go lock it.

I pull out my phone and dial Jamals number I hope I'm not bothering him at work.

He answers.

"Hey Danni how are you?"

"Oh hey Jamal I'm doing good I'm just busy looking at tv uh can we go out for some coffee or something cause I need to talk to you?"

"Sure of course we can where do you wanna met up at?"

"How about Starbucks on 54th street?"

"Okay that's good I'll meet you there?"

"Bye I'll see you soon"

To Be Continued.............

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