Chapter 7 A Sad Thought That Came To Mind

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A Sad Thought That Came To Mind
The next morning I immediately grabbed my phone to text Thomas. I was a little disappointed to see no text from him but then realized it was 10:00am. He likes to sleep in as so I've been told. I take a good long stare at his contact and giggle at his contact picture. He is pushing against a wall with Dylan. I then click the phone button and call him. It rings twice then it's picked up.

"Good morning love." I hear Thomas say, his voice all raspy while picking the phone up.

"Oh my god," I start, "did I just wake you up?" I immediately scream into the phone. I realize that screaming may not have been the best thing to do as I squinted my eyes in thought.

"Ya you did, but it's all right, I should get up and get a cup of coffee with you." I blushed at to what he said and then bite my lip. I sudden thought comes to my mind.

Omg! What am I gonna do? Thomas lives in London, and I live in Saskatchewan! I think while beginning to shake. Now that we are dating, how's this going to work?

"Ya, um... I really need to talk to you. Alone." I sigh beginning to tear up. Considering the tone in his voice, Thomas doesn't seem too happy.

"Oh no. You're breaking up with me aren't you?" He whimpers. I immediately shout back.

"No! Never! Even if I hate you I'll always love you!" I scream.

"What the he- what does that even bloody mean?" He imitates my scream back. I giggle then sigh.

"Just, meet me in the lobby at 11:00am. Okay?" I ask. "Fine." Thomas scoffs. I giggle, "I love you-" trailing off. Thomas then replies an 'I love you too' and then hangs up. I immediately get ready. I put on my white beanie over top of my long blonde hair. I decided leather would look nice with navy blue jeans and put on my brown leather jacket. I put on my brown Uggs and ran to the washroom. I put Mascara on, with some lip gloss and a tiny bit of perfume. I then of coarse put on the necklace Thomas bought me and some diamond tulip earrings. I ran to the elevator and waited for one to go down.

As one opened Thomas ran in with me. I sighed and just as the doors closed I pressed the emergency stop button so the elevator froze in place. I turned to Thomas as tears fell down my cheeks. He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed the tears away. He then asked the dreadful question I was hoping to avoid.

"What's wrong love?" My eye watered even more as I lunged at him into a hug. I just squeezed as tight as possible shoving my head into his shoulder. As I screamed it was muffled by Thomas' jacket.

"How? How?! How the hell are we supposed to do this? I leave in a month Thomas! A month! How am I supposed to be with you?" I felt like I was happy for a second in my life then it had to be pushed away. I could tell instantly Thomas felt the same way as I felt tears fall into my hair.

"I don't know," is all I heard over the sounds of my whimpers and cries. " but I do know that you and I will figure something out." Thomas lifted me off of his shoulders then pulled my chin up. I immediately turned to cry more tears. With my back facing Thomas I had nothing else to do but feel like shit. I then let all my strength in my legs fail and immediately fell on to my stomach and let my hair fall to my face. Thomas rushed over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. He then pulled me to a long and tight hug.

"Don't cry love, we'll figure this out I promise you," Thomas started to murmur in long deep breaths. " I love you..." I then pulled away from the hug and crashed my lips into his. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hands found its way to my hips and pulled my closer to him too. We were so close that we had to back away after kissing. I then pushed the emergency button again to make it move.

"Let's talk over coffee." I cried as the elevator stopped. Thomas then pulled me into a hug and kept walking. We strolled to Starbucks still hugging then eventually ordered our coffee, while finding a seat.

I wished I could always do this no sadness or anything.

But how?
Hey! Sorry this was so short but it had to thrown in there. I wish this wouldn't have to happen but, what's a story with no events right?
I love you guys all!
Bye muchachos!

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