Chapter 19 Cuddling

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Before we left the hospital, Ava gave me her phone number so that we could chat. I loved her. She was like the sister I never had. Thomas and I got into Thomas' car and we drove home. Or to Thomas' home. When we got there I put my 'Romulus Augustus' pjs on with my 'the maze runner' shirt. I ran to the guest bedroom and put my hair up in a messy bun then brushed my teeth. A knock on the door startled me and made me scream. I once again opened the door to a laughing Thomas.

"You really need to be less jumpy." He snorted. I punched him in the arm lightly then glared at him.

"You need to stop scaring me. Knock don't slam your fist into the door!" I joked throwing my hands up into the air. Thomas came up behind me and grabbed my from behind. He whispered into my ear and I felt his hot breath hit my neck.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He whisper asked me kissing my cheek. I turned to face him and rapped my arms around his neck.

"Sure. Do you have any popcorn?" I asked him. He nodded. I kissed his lips gently but slowly. After pulling away I winked. "What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"I get to choose tonight? Okay, um...too bad I don't know what to watch." He laughed. I paused, then began to full out laugh. I touched his chest and smirked.

"How about...Nowhere Boy?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Are we ever going to watch a movie I'm not in?" He whined. I giggled and then sighed.

"Okay, how's about...Phineas and Ferb the second dimension?" I joked knowing he was the voice of Ferb. He widened his eyes then laughed.

"Nowhere Boy it is!" He yelled running towards the kitchen. Thomas grabbed a bag of popcorn and through it in the microwave. He also grabbed some candy. I giggled remembering how much he loves candy. I sat down on the couch in his living room and motioned for him to come sit down. Thomas put the movie on and did so. When he sat down I snuggled up to him as closely as possible. He pulled me so close I was practically on top of him. Before the movie started I sat on his legs rapping mine around his hips. I leaned down and kissed his soft sweet lips and stayed there for maybe 10 seconds. He pulled me closer and I giggled. The movie started and I sat down right beside him and shoved my face into his chest.

"I love you." Thomas whispers into my ear. I smiled and looked up into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you too." I told him finishing off with another kiss.

25 minutes later

I smiled at the part where Paul sang to John and the other Beatles. I looked up at Thomas and he sighed.

"I can't sing like that anymore." He told me. I ignored what he said and began to sing Paul's song.

"Well, I got a girl with a record machine,
When it comes to rocking, she's a queen,
We went dancing on a Saturday night,
All alone I can hold her tight,
But she lives on the twentieth floor uptown,
The elevator's broken down."

Thomas looked at me a little shocked. I furrowed my eyebrows and giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"You can sing. You can really, sing." He told me kissing my lips gently. I pulled away and blushed.

"Oh no no, I can't sing. I suck at singing."

"Not in my ears. You're amazing." He kissed me again. I giggled.

"Your ears must be broken then." I replied pushing him slightly.

"If that's the case I don't want them fixed. Your voice is bloody beautiful." Thomas smiled at me and we continued to watch.

When our movie finished I went to bed. I kissed Thomas good night and went to the spare bedroom across from Thomas' room. I snuggled into the blankets and had another nightmare.

This time I was in an alley way with Thomas and two men walked up to us with guns. They told us if we didn't give them money, they'd shoot us. I pulled my wallet out and gave them what I had.


Thomas didn't do anything.

"Money?" The man asked. Thomas shook his head.

"Don't have any bloody money you idiots. Get lost. You have $20." The man frowned and pointed the gun at Thomas.

"Okay, but let me tell you something."  He told us pulling the ammo back. I tried to push Thomas out of the way but couldn't move. My feet were glued to the floor. I screamed Thomas' name but nothing came out. My eyes watered as the man stepped forward.

"You don't give me sass you bitch."

I then heard a gun shot.

I shot my eyes open and started to hyperventilate. I couldn't breath. I knew Thomas could hear me so I tried to scream. Nothing. The lights in my room flickered on and Thomas sprinted towards me. I started to cough and still couldn't breath. I was having an asthma attack. I wheezed and couldn't catch my breath. I pointed to my bag and fell off of my bed reaching for it. Thomas pulled me back up and grabbed my bag.

"Megan! What the hell's wrong with you?" Thomas yelled with concern in his voice.

"I...(wheeze) n-need...(wheeze) my p-puff-ffer!" I tried to holler but couldn't. Thomas rummaged through my bag and pulled out my blue puffer. I grabbed it with my shaky hands and took two puffs. I soon could feel my lungs taking in long deep breaths of air. I stopped for a moment just to breath and Thomas pulled me on his lap. I buried my head into his chest and kept breathing. He soon got concerned.

"Megan, what the hell happened?" He asked me in a calm soothing voice. I closed my eyes and grabbed a hold of his shirt. I pulled my face up to his and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I have Asthma. I've had it ever since I was born." I whimpered. Thomas looked at me with concern then smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders then hugged him. I just stayed in his muscular arms for what seemed like hours but were actually just minutes. I then pulled away and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I guess I was scared to." I looked up at Thomas and kissed his lips gently. I realized it was 3:02am and squinted my eyes. I looked over at Thomas. "Why were you up this late?" I asked.

"I wasn't. I just heard you breathing very hard and ran into your room to see what was the matter." He explained tickling my arm slightly. Tears formed in my eyes and I hugged him. I kissed Thomas' neck and shoved my face into it.

"Thank you." I told him my voice muffled. Thomas then stood up off of the queen sized bed and kissed my head.

"Well, goodnight love." He said turning towards the door. I immediately thought of how much I loved him. I didn't want him to leave.

"Thomas." I asked as he turned around to face me.

"Yes love?" He grinned. I felt a tear fall down my face.

"Stay?" I questioned. Thomas nodded and pulled the blankets off of my bed. He sat down under the covers and faced me. He pulled the covers up and kissed my lips. I turned around so that our body's were stuck together. (Or as you know, spoon😖) Thomas rapped his arm around my chest and pulled me closer. I then intertwined our fingers and kissed his hand. He kissed my head.

We then fell asleep.

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