Chapter 35 I Love You

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I Love You

Thomas returned from the basement with my dad all smiling and happy. I looked at my dad with a confused looked still smiling.

"What happened?" I asked. Thomas came up beside me and kissed my cheek. He grinned and then began to laugh. "What?" I asked a little nervous. My father sat down beside me and sighed.

"I like this boyfriend of yours Meg." He said patting my shoulder. I gasped. Thomas looked at me as if confused.

"You like Thomas?" I whisper/asked. Dad nodded and I leaped into his arms. I gave him a huge hug and then kissed his cheek. "Thank you daddy!" I screamed into my dad's shoulder. I pulled away from my dad and looked over to Thomas. "I suppose you want a kiss too?" I asked smirking. Thomas looked up to the ceiling smiling.

"Maybe..." He said in a joking tone. I shook my head in a giggle.

"Come here you British one!" I said kissing Thomas on the cheek. My mom then shouted something that made me red.

"You call that a kiss? On the lips at least." My dad then glared at mom.

"Um, cheek is fine Joan." I rolled my eyes and kissed Thomas slowly on the lips. Thomas returned the kiss getting a cough from my dad. We pulled away and smiled at dad. "We're still here." He said in a joking voice. We stood up as soon as the door bell rang. I rushed over to the door and opened it squealing.

"NOAH!" I hollered grabbing my brother for a hug. Noah returned the hug and smiled while putting his bags on the floor. Thomas came around the corner and leaned against the wall with a huge smile. My brothers girlfriend then came into the room. "ABBY!" I hollered embracing her. Noah then poked me on the shoulder. I turned to face him.

"Um, isn't that that British dude you love so much?" He asked. I rolled my eyes as Thomas laughed out loud. I lightly punched Thomas' arm as he kissed my cheek. Noah widened his eyes. "Is he your new-" Noah began but i cut him off.

"Yep. Jelly?" I joked. Noah scoffed and came into the living room.

"I never get jealous, plus, he's a guy...and I have Abby here." He said kissing his girlfriend. I scoffed.

"Ew." I said walking towards Thomas.

"Oh come on! You kiss Thomas. How am I gross?" Noah said shaking his head. I shrugged. Thomas then walked over to the stove to make his tea. I followed suit and grinned.

"Abby? Do you want tea?" I asked. Abby nodded her head vigorously and then replied a yes please. I smiled and began to grab cans of tea. Thomas had a regular vanilla chai, mom had orange pekoe along with dad, while as for me and Abby we had maple tea. We all sat down in the living room and began playing cards. I sat down and Thomas was beside me. He then kissed me and whispered softly in my ear.

"I love you." He said his hot breath against my neck. I smiled and replied with a kiss.

"I love you more." Thomas pulled away and furrowed his eyes.

"Yea? Well guess what?" He said. I furrowed my eyes.


"I love you most." Thomas replied giving me another kiss.

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