Chapter 36 Fight Night

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Fight Night

Thomas and I were winning. I had 48 points and Thomas had 67. My parents had 108 and 255 and considering we were playing Wypsey, we were winning.

"Ah ha! I'm out!" Thomas yelled cheerfully throwing his cards on the table. My eyes widened.

"What?! Bull!" I screamed in a jokey tone. Thomas grinned his beautiful grin and laughed.

"Yea? Well look here! Four kings, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king, four aces!" He smiled and kissed my cheek. I lightly slapped his chest.

"Yea? Well thanks to YOU, I have 101 points." I laughed rapping my arms around his neck kissing him sweetly on the lips. Thomas returned the kiss with a peck and smiled. My mom and dad began to make dinner after the game and I went to my laptop. I quickly searched for auditions just in case I could go to one and my mouth dropped. They were having auditions for one of my favorite books, 'Step It Up'. It was a romance movie. It's about a girl named Maybelle who meets a guy named Bailey and is a fantastic dancer. She soon finds out that Bailey dances too and slowly they both end up falling in love with each other. My smile became huge and I searched for who was already Bailey. No one. Maybelle? No one. I shouted for Thomas and he came up beside me.

"What is it Love?" He asked staring at the computer. I stayed silent as Thomas widened his eyes. "Cool." He said as he sat down beside me.

"Cool? Just cool? Thomas! Audition with me! Audition for the part of Bailey!" I screamed pulling on his sleeve. Thomas shook his head and quietly laughed.

"I would but, Bailey dances. I suck at dancing." He explained kissing my forehead. I quickly turned to him.

"I'LL TEACH YOU!" I hollered. Thomas smiled and looked back at my laptop.

"Alright. I'll do it." He said kissing my neck. I jumped up and hugged his neck. I then slowly pecked him on the lips. Thomas and I were going to audition for 'Step It Up'. And only in four weeks.

3 weeks later

In one week Thomas and I were going to audition for 'Step It Up' so we had to go back home to London. We said our goodbyes to my parents and my dad showed Thomas his gun to warn him not to do anything stupid (he's too overprotective) then we were off. George and Dylan were going to come with us because Dylan was going to try for the part of Bailey's best friend. I tried encouraging Georgina to audition but she laughed and said no. In the taxi on the way to the airport I was sitting by Georgina across from the boys.

"Hey, um...Megs?" Georgina asked me poking my arm I nodded and waited for another question. Georgina bit her lip and sighed.

"How should I break up with Dylan?" She asked me a tear slipping from her left eye. I widened my eyes and looked over to Dylan. He was whispering with Thomas. I looked back at Georgina and sighed.

"George! Why on earth do you want to break up with Dylan?" I whispered with anger in my tone. Georgina shut her eyes and sobbed even more.

"Dylan asked me to move in with him and, my mom this weekend told me she didn't approve of me living in America. I-I love him so much I don't know how to break it to him." I hugged Georgina and kissed her forehead. Usually she would push me away and yell at me for as she put it 'Infecting her head', but this time she just sobbed into me chest. I teared up a little too and looked up at the boys. They were both staring at me with confusion painted on there faces. Dylan mouthed a 'What's wrong' and Thomas just looked like he didn't know what the hell was happening with the world. I rolled my eyes and mouthed 'Girl problems' back to Dyl. He nodded and looked up at Thomas. When the taxi stopped outside the airport Dylan hugged Georgina. Obviously she pushed him off and ran into the airport leaving behind all her luggage. Dylan teared up.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked looking like he was prepared for battle. I sighed.

"Dylan, she doesn't wanna talk about-"

"TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH GEORGE!" He shouted pushing me to the floor. I stumbled backwards and landed with my head slamming on the floor. I grabbed my head in pain and sobbed.

"What the actual frick Dyl!" I shouted feeling sticky liquid in my hair. Thomas rushed down beside me and pulled me on his lap.

"Dylan what is wrong with you?" He yelled grabbing my head. My head was oosing blood slowly. It didn't bleed all too much but it sure did sting. Thomas stood up to face Dylan and glared. "Hey I know you're scared right now but no need to-" Thomas began but was cut off by Dylan punching him in the nose. Thomas fell straight to the floor wincing at the pain from his nose. Dylan glared at us as I stood up slapping him across the face.

"STOP IT OKAY?!" I hollered at Dylan. Dylan looked down at me and glared.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong with the love of my life!"

"She's not the love of your life Dyl." I stated.

"What the hell is that supposed to me-"

"She's breaking up with you!" I screamed. Dylan froze in place. Before we could say anymore Thomas came in between us punching Dylan across the face. "THOMAS!" I screamed as people started to pile around us. Dylan glared at Thomas as he leaped onto him. They both started punching each other and scratching each other as I tried to break it up. Eventually Dylan pulled Thomas' shirt off scratching his bare skin. Right across his chest Thomas had a scar that began to bleed. I looked at Thomas' bare chest and noticed the chain he always wears was gone. I ran up to Thomas and stood in front of him, blocking him from anymore damage. Dylan with blood covering his face laughed. He sounded pure evil.

"Move Megan so I can finish off this bitch." Dylan said loosing his evil grin and glaring at Thomas. I didn't move.

"No." I stated standing my ground. Dylan tilted his head and glared at me.

"No seriously. I don't wanna hurt you."

"Oh but you're okay hurting my boyfriend and your best friend?" I shouted shaking tremendously. Dylan walked closer to me.

"Don't touch her you asshole." I heard Thomas scream behind me. I still stared directly into Dylan's eyes glaring. Dylan shrugged his shoulders.

"Shut up." He shouted towards Thomas. He then looked at me. "Fine. But don't get mad when I make you bleed." He laughed sounding like a total demon. I shut my eyes waiting for the impact when I heard a crunch. I opened my eyes to see that Dylan was holding his nose. He was obviously punched. I turned around and saw Thomas still in the same position he had been in earlier.

Who hit Dyl then? I thought as I cupped Thomas' face. I turned to look at Dylan and gasped. I sobbed in thought of how this person could have done that to him. Even if he was a jerk.

I looked up at the person and sobbed.

I was Georgina, and on her knuckles were the slightest bit of blood.

Of Dylan's blood. Which was now pouring out of his


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