Chapter 34 Relief

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I opened up my door to my room and looked inside. It was all the same. Suddenly I remembered I had the poster of Thomas on my door. I slammed it shut sending Thomas aback. He furrowed his eyes and looked down at me. I faked a smile.

"Yea, so just remember I was obsessed with you." I said. Thomas looked really confused so I sighed again. "Like, really REALLY, obsessed with you. And the Maze Runner." I said swinging my door open. Thomas walked in and a huge smiled was painted across his face. He turned to me and smiled.

"And a little obsessed with Doctor Who I see?" He laughed noticing my T.A.R.D.I.S bed spread and my DW calendar. I also had a scarf, a hat, two large books, and a mug of Doctor Who. I smiled and nodded. Thomas grinned. "Which was your favourite Doctor?" Thomas asked. I raised up ten fingers. Thomas laughed lightly. "And favourite episode?" He asked. I squinted my eyes and sighed.

"I think you know the answer to that one Sangster." I giggled. Thomas groaned.

"Really? Is it,"

"The Family of Blood?" We both said our voices synchronized. We then laughed and we hugged. I pulled away and closed my door showing the poster of Thomas. Thomas laughed. I lightly punched him.

"Hey!" I said as Thomas grabbed him arm and cried an 'Ow'. I rolled my eyes. "Oh quit being a baby Sangster. If I hadn't been so obsessed with you I could have chosen Dylan over you." I said crossing my arms. Thomas shook his head and picked me up. I giggled and leaned in to kiss him. He returned the kiss. I'm serious, every time I kiss this guy it get's sweeter and sweeter. We pulled away and Thomas put me down. I showed him my walk-in closet and he smiled.

"You play piano and guitar?" He asked me. I giggled and sat down at the piano.

"I don't play piano but I do play guitar." I replied. (Let's say I did okay George?) Thomas smiled and sat down on my piano bench beside me. "I do know one song though." I admitted as I began to play 'Sonata's Moonlight'. When I finished the song Thomas grinned.

"You can really play." He said kissing my forehead. I giggled and stood up. I replied a 'thanks' and walked into my room on my bed. Thomas smiled and noticed something on my wall. It was my hanger of all of my dance medals. "You dance?" Thomas asked a little surprised. I nodded and grabbed all of my medals and trophies from my competitions.

"Yep. I'm on the competitive team which means I do 6 dances. I am also a part of STAR Team." I giggled. Thomas smiled and pulled me up off of my bed. We ran down into the basement and he stood there looking at me. "What?" I asked now confused. Thomas rolled his eyes and sat down on my green couch.

"Dance for me." I shook my head and laughed. Thomas once again rolled his eyes and gave me the one and only 'Sangster bitch face'. I laughed. "Fine. Then show me your flexibility." He said. I rolled my eyes and bent into a bridge then did a backwards bend over. I did a front one after that then landed in the splits. I stood up and did a cartwheel, and a one handed one. I then finished off with an Ariel. Thomas looked stunned. I blushed and sat down beside him.

"There. Happy?" I asked bowing.

"Very." Thomas said kissing my cheek. I giggled and pointed at the carpet.

"Now you try." I said pointing down to the floor. Thomas shook his head and I fake glared at him. He sighed then stood up and tried doing a cartwheel. Let's just say he failed. I laughed so hard and helped him up. He glared at me.

"Not funny Meg. I really feel like I hurt something." He said holding his leg. I pulled his pant leg up an looked at his leg. He bruised it alright. I ran upstairs and grabbed some ice. I then ran back down the stairs and put the ice of Thomas' bruise. I kissed him and then sighed.

"Sorry." I said looking down to the ground. Thomas smiled and kissed my forehead.

"It's alright Love. Hey. Why don't we watch a movie?" He asked rubbing the back of my head. I smiled.

"Wanna watch 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days'?" I asked. Thomas nodded and kissed me again. I ran upstairs and Thomas limped up with me. I was in the middle of making popcorn when my dad came down the stairs. He smiled and me and frowned at Thomas. He then said something that made me nervous.

"Thomas," he began rubbing his neck. "Can I speak with you? Alone." Thomas widened his eyes then turned bright red. He nodded and I could tell he gulped. His adams apple bobbed. He limped slowly towards my father to the stairs of the basement. Before they went downstairs I ran up to Thomas and my father. I kissed Thomas and he smiled.

"Do you want some tea?" I asked. Thomas nodded and said 'thank you'. I then glared at my father. "Oh and daddy." I began grabbing Thomas' hand. "Please don't kill my boyfriend." I said kissing Thomas once again and running into the kitchen. Thomas looked somewhat scared and my dad looked surprisingly sad. They then walked into the basement below.

Thomas' P.O.V

I went down into the basement to talk with Megan's father and to tell you what, I was scared out of my bloody mind. Her father opened the door to the room Meg and I were staying in and motioned for me to go in. I limped in and sat down on the bed resting my leg. Her father came in and closed the door. He sighed and looked at the ground.

"Thomas. You know I don't hate you, right?" He asked me seeming sad but at the same time joyful. I squinted my eyes and slightly laughed.

"Y-you d-don't?" I stuttered. Her father shook his head. What a relief. He doesn't hate me. A question then popped into my head. "Then why did you glare at me?" I asked. It was a brave but risky move. Her father then closed his eyes and smiled.

"I just don't want my only daughter, to get hurt. Again." He said tearing up a bit. I was going to question him about what he meant by 'again' but he kept talking. "I hope you realize that, I've never brought any of Megan's boyfriends down here to talk before. I brought you here because there's something about you that I know is good. I know that someday, you'll be the one Megan is walking down the isle to." He said. I was shocked. I shook my head slightly then smiled.

"Really?" I questioned. Megan's father nodded and smiled. He then put his hand out for me to shake.

"I never told you my name son. I'm Mark." He said smiling widely. Son, I thought. He called me Son. I raised my head and sat up off of the bed.

"A pleaser to meet you Mark. And I promise, I'll never hurt Megan. That is a promise." I replied shaking his hand. Mark embraced me into a man hug and then we separated. Mark then smiled.

"One thing though Sangster." He said glaring at me. I widened my eyes and stepped back.

"What?" I asked really scared now.

"If you get my daughter pr-"

"Sir! I ashore you that will never happen! Well unless we are married but I ashore you. Never." I said laughing a little. Mark laughed too and then opened the door.

"Now then," he began, "who wants some tea?" He asked as I smiled widely.

"I'm British. I love tea." I said walking up the stairs. I froze. "Oh and Mark, what did you mean by again?" I asked. Mark stopped smiling. He then sighed.

"That's something you should ask Megan yourself." He replied walking up the stairs.

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