Chapter 35

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Zayn's POV:

Harry, Louis, and I are all in the car on our way to pick up celia from school. All of our shit is in the back and once we get Celia were on our way to pismo. I tried my hardest to convince celia into letting us drive separately. But for some damn reason she wanted to road trip together and shit. We pull into a gas station to get some snacks for this fucking three hour drive. Harry will be driving us because I don't trust Louis to drive us, he would probably get us pulled over or in a crash. Celia and I will be sitting in the back seat. I wish there was some sort of curtain or something like in limos that way I could get away from their annoying asses. Louis' not to bad. I mean he's a funny little asshole But Harrys like a walking 'Keep The Peace' sign.

"Harry you go in" Louis says as we pull into the 7/11.

"What do you guys want?" Harry asks.

"Just buy a bunch of chips and cookies and shit" Louis says causing harry to scrunch up his face.

Harry is one of them people who does fucking yoga, and eats berries for breakfast. And Louis and I are them people who stay in bed all day and eat pizza.

"Let me guess harry you brought your own snacks because you knew us fat asses would load up on junk" I look at Louis who is laughing his ass off and I smirk.

"I did" Harry says proudly as he closes the door and prances into the store like a fucking gazelle.

Harry rushes in and out of that gas station real fast. Knowing him places like this probably freak him out. He comes running out with his arms full of junk. He throws it all at me as he gets in the car.

"You're metabolism won't always be that fast" he huffs as he buckles his seat belt.

"Who gives a fuck?" I laugh.

"Zayn and I will be fat, old, and stuck on our asses eating pizza and harry will be teaching fucking water aerobics at age 80" Louis joins in. We both burst into laughter causing harry to cross his arms and frown.

Messing with harry is so much fun. Cause he gets his little feeling hurt way to easily. And it's just so damn funny.

"Oh lighten up pal" Louis slaps his shoulder.

"At least I'll be the healthy one" Harry boasts.

As we drive down the road I pull out my phone and try to block them out.

"We should stop and buy some board games for this weekend" Harry smiles his big ass charming smile.

"No! No more stops! Let's just get my girlfriend and go!"

They both look at each other strangely. What do they have a fucking problem? If it's because I called Celia my girlfriend they need to grow up. They still aren't convinced that I even care about her. But I can't really blame them.

"Did you call her your girlfriend?" Louis asks.

"What else would I call her?"

Harry is staying super quiet probably trying to avoid a fight or something.

"I just didn't realize you guys were serious" Louis shrugs.

He only thinks that because he is low key still butt hurt that I stole his girlfriend.

"Would you rather me call her my fuck buddy?" I question.

"No zayn..." He lets out a loud sigh.

Well if this is how this trip is gonna go I want to hop out of this damn car right now.

"but we all know that you will never deserve her" Louis adds.

Harry shifts in his seat uncomfortably and keeps his eyes on the road.

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