Chapter 42

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Celia's POV:

I wake up Monday morning with the sound of Hailey running around the house yelling at everyone and everything.

"What the hell is going on?" Zayn mumbles with his eyes still closed as he pulls me closer to him.

Aw he looks so cute and cuddly. Morning Zayn is probably one of my favorite Zayn's cause he's sweet and he doesn't talk much.

"Celia get your ass out of bed were leaving in thirty minutes" Hailey yells from the bottom of the staircase.

I look at Zayn who's now opened his eyes and is now staring at me intently. I roll my eyes then suddenly Harry appears in the doorway to Zayn's room with fear in his eyes.

"What did she do?" I sigh and sit up.

I know Hailey did something cause Harry has the post bitch Hailey face right now.

"I was eating my oatmeal in the kitchen and she came in and told me to suck a dick then kicked me out of the kitchen" Harry voice stays the same as he explains what happened to us. He looks completely mortified.

I probably should have warned them. Hailey becomes extra bitchy the day of a photoshoot. I'm somewhat used to it but seeing it the first time is scary for most people.

"I'll go calm her down" I sigh and crawl out of bed.

"Harry come here" I say as I wrap my arms around the traumatized Harry. Poor thing, he's like a child. A giant man child.

I hear Zayn let out a scoff then laugh a little.

"Zayn it's not funny" I say as I leave the room.

I quickly make my way down stairs and follow the sound of things being thrown on the ground and at the walls. Man this looks like something that would happening in some lame ass comedy movie. I finally get downstairs to find Hailey sitting in the sink shaving her legs. Half naked. Her hair is in curlers and her makeup is completely done. I should really get a picture of this.

"Hailey you need to calm down. You scared the shit out Harry" I say then cross my arms.

She gives me the most murderous glare then continues shaving her legs. I'm still not 100% sure why she's in the sink.

"Please tell me your not wearing that today" she groans pointing to my sweatpants and Zayn's t-shirt.

"Cause you look like shit" she fake smiles.

How can I be related to such a bitch? Like I'm pretty certain she could win a bitch competition.

"Don't worry I haven't had time to change into something more decent yet, but it doesn't really matter what I wear I'm not the one who's gonna be modeling" I turn on my heel and walk back upstairs.

I can't see her but I'm certain she's probably making some nasty face at me.

"Is it to late for me to back out of going with her" I roll my eyes as I throw myself back into bed next to Zayn.

"No you could stay here with me and we could fu-"

I cut him off before he can even finish that sentence.

"Zayn!" I slap his shoulder.

"What?!" He says innocently right as he grabs my ass.

I jump out of bed immediately because I know if I don't get away now he will get what he wants. And I do not have time for that.

"No were not doing this Zayn" I laugh then grab my clothes and begin changing.

"'No' she says as she strips down in front of me" he smirks as he watches me change.

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