Chapter 38

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Hey guys!! Here's a quick little update!! I got it done early so I thought may as well post it! Hope you like it :) don't forget to vote and comment!

Celia's POV:

The next two days go by great. We went swimming in the ocean a few times. Walked the pier. Zayn and I went to this really cute little taffy shop and bought a bunch of salt water taffy. The trip was good for all of us. But now it's time to go back to the real world and I'm extremely nervous as we pull into our drive way because I know that I need to let Zayn know about Justin.

I know he's not going to take it well.

Zayn and I head upstairs to unpack while Harry cooks us a 'healthy' dinner.

It's kinda funny. I have this beautiful bedroom all to myself but I never actually sleep in it. I always just sleep with Zayn instead. But is definitely useful for when Zayn's being an ass.

Zayn comes walking into the room and sits down on my bed.

Zayn's POV:

The past few days she's been acting strange. But I haven't said anything because I don't want to make her mad. Her sister will be here in a few days and fighting with me is the last thing she needs.

"Your sister could stay in here" I say breaking the silence.

She throws a pile of clothes into her dirty clothes hamper then sighs.

"Ya I don't sleep in here anyways"

Did I do something to make her mad? She seems mad. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. She nuzzles her head into my shoulder then hugs me back. I let out a sigh of relief. If she was mad she wouldn't hug me back.

"Alec's not so bad..." I say.

That was so random but I have no idea what else to talk about.

"You really think so?" She smiles brightly.

I can't help but smile like an idiot at her cute little smile. I love making her happy. Ironically though I upset her more then I make her happy.

"Ya I mean when he's not trying to steal my girlfriend he's not so bad" I laugh but she doesn't laugh with me.

What the hell is her deal?

"Dinner's ready!" I hear Harry yell from downstairs.

As we walk downstairs I observe her body language. She acting the way she acts when she does something that she knows will make me fucking mad.

Harry's made some weird as crap salad with chicken and nasty vegetable for us. He knows Louis and I don't like this shit.

"Can I just order a pizza instead" I sigh.

Celia gives me a harsh glare than smiles at Harry.

I guess they just want me to fucking starve.

"This salad looks lovely Harry! Thank you!" She digs into her salad like it's actually edible.

I honestly don't like salads. I'm a human not a fucking rabbit. But I manage to swallow down this salad with my best fake smile just to please Celia.

"So Celia when is your sister coming?" Louis asks Cel.

"On Friday" she scrunches up her face.

Holy shit that's literally only three days. According to Celia she's a major pre Madonna pain in the ass. Which is what I hate most in the world. I just hate basic bitches so much. Like Regina, I don't even know why I ever hung out with her.

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