Chapter 41

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Celia's POV:

As embarrassed as I am by Zayn's behavior earlier I can't but love him for it. It's simple things like that help me see how much he loves me. Most people would read it as jealousy but I know it's Zayn's way of showing I'm his and that he loves me more than the world.

I snap myself out of thinking about Zayn and remember I'm in the car with Justin. Another guy who loves me very much. Just not in the same way. I will never find someone who loves me as much as Zayn.

"So where are you taking me?" I smirk at him.

"Some of my work friends were telling me about this really nice restaurant called Spago, so I decided i'd take you there" he smiles

"Sounds great" I smile back.

"And it's only a few more miles away, I'm surprised you haven't been there before" he slightly laughs.

I used to eat at all the fancy restaurants when I was younger even when I was in New York but Zayn and Louis are more of the order in pizza kinda guys, so no fancy meals for me anymore.

"Ya the boys aren't really into fancy meals" I awkwardly shrug.

You'd think since they steal shitloads of money they'd want to spend it on nice things but there's nothing really normal about those boys. I bet Harry would go to nice restaurants with me. I should talk to him about it. It could be our thing.

"Really?" He makes a strange face.

Bite my lip and nod my head.

"Well if you were my girl again I would let you have everything you could ever desire" as soon as the words leave his mouth I can tell he regrets saying it. I also regret him saying it.

"Uhh...ya" I have no clue what to say. It's a good thing Zayn isn't here.

"Sorry I just meant like know...ya never mind" he rambles causing me to laugh a little.

"Calm down Justin your fine" I smile trying to put the awkward moment behind us.

We pull up to Spago and honestly I'm so happy right now. It feels just like old times.

We walk inside and a girl in her mid twenties walks us to our table.

After staring at the menu for about five minutes we both decide on splitting a salad and a sandwich.

"This is so nice" I smile then grabs his hand and rub it. He pulls his hand away then smiles back uncomfortably. Zayn scared the shit out of him didn't he?

"Justin if you are still worry about Zayn, don't, me and you are just friends really good friends, don't let him jeopardize that"

"Your an amazing girl, you realize that right?" He says.

"Of course I realize that" I shrug my shoulders then giggle.

"Oh wow, I didn't notice that I brought the wrong Anderson girl" he jokes causing me to laugh even louder.

"Hi..." I hear a soft voice say from beside us.

We both stop laughing and look over to see a girl no older then 16 standing right next to our table.

"I hate to bother you two but are you Celia Anderson and Justin Carrington?" She asks.

"Yes we are" Justin smiles brightly at her causing her to blush.

"Could I get a picture with you?" She asks.

People rarely ever come up to me and ask for pictures anymore. Now that I'm not living the glamorous life anymore people kinda forget me. But I guess being seen with Justin tends to jog people's memories.

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