Chapter 15

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A. N.

Hey loves!!! Sorry if this chapters kinda crappy! The next few chapter are pretty exciting! So keep doing what you guys do! Vote, comment, etc! Thank you guys so much for reading! You guys can always talk to me if you need to! Love you all!!!!

I wake up to an unfamiliar feeling. Zayns arms are wrapped around me, my head is buried in his shoulder, and our legs are intertwined. Every night we've had the same routine. I sneak to his room and make out a little bit sometimes things would escalate a little but but we never have gone all the way. then I sneak back to my room before Louis could notice. But waking up to this beautiful criminal fills my stomach with butterflies and I can't imagine how I will ever to sleep again without him beside me.

I run my hands through his messy hair and stare at his perfect face. He really is one of the most gorgeous people I've seen in my entire life.

"Your staring..." He mumbles. His voice is deeper and raspier than normal. His eyes flutter open.

I smile at him then rest my arms around his neck.

"It's creepy..." He mumbles.

"No! It's romantic!" I giggle. He pulls me closer and smiles as he stares me in the eyes.

"You're so beautiful" he whispers as he caresses my cheek.

"Stop it..." I blush. I cover my face with my hands.

"It's only the truth Cel" he pulls my hands off my face and smiles at me.
Ever since last night Zayns been so sweet and romantic and it's all so perfect I just really hope he stays this way. He leans in and leaves a kiss on my nose, then on my cheek, then on my forehead, then he grabs my face and leaves a long delicate kiss on my lips. He's so amazing when he wants to be. This Zayn is officially my favorite Zayn. He definitely beats bipolar Zayn, and criminal Zayn, and 'I'm gonna hurt whoever the hell I have to, to get what I want' Zayn.

Suddenly I hear a shatter down stairs that causes us both to jump.
What the hell was that? But then it clicks.

"Louis" Zayn and I say in unison.

Louis never came home last night. I know He's responsible enough not to make stupid decisions but I was still worried. I honestly don't know how he took the news last night. But when he never returned home I assumed it must have been worse than I thought.

We hop out of bed and run downstairs. When we reach the kitchen to my surprise louis is hanging onto the counter right next to a shattered bottle of tequila.

"Fucking hell..." Zayn grumbles.

He is so drunk. I've never seen him like this before and I don't really like it.

"Oh look at you two!" He slurs.

"Him wearing only boxers and you wearing his damn shirt from yesterday. You two are so fucking cute" he slurs.

I look down and realize I didn't even think of what I was wearing.

"Louis where were you last night?" I ask.

His eyes are barely able to stay open and it takes agin a few seconds to actually respond.

"Some shitty bar"

This is so unlike him. He never does this. I guess he took it way worse than I thought he would.

"Louis let me help you upstairs and we can talk once your sober..." I grab onto him to try and help him up but he flails his arms and pushes me away from him.

"Stop acting like you fucking care about me! You proved that you didn't when you fucked that asshole! Just leave me alone! You just a selfish, slutty, bitch!" Louis fires back at me. His words makes my eyes water up slightly. He can't honestly think that about me. I never wanted to hurt him. Things just happened and I can't help the way I feel for Zayn. But I definitely don't want Louis to hate me the rest of his life.

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