Chapter 19

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A. N.

Hey! This is just a filler so sorry if it really sucks! I wasn't feeling the whole editing thing so maybe I'll edit tomorrow! Sorry it's so short! But I didn't see the point in dragging out a crap chapter. But the next chapter will be better I promise! These last few have just been filler for what's coming!
Love you guys!

Celia's POV:

I walk down the stairs into his no longer secret room and find him spray painting some design on the wall.

"Did you come here to continue telling me how you're perfect and how I'm shit?"

Why is he do worked up? I know what I said was rude but I didn't think he would take it that personally.

"Zayn I'm sorry but the way you responded to Harry made me really mad"

He crosses his arms and just stares at me.

"You know how I feel about that" he mumbles.

Why does he have to be so damn stubborn? Nothing can change his mind.

"I know...but it still upset me"

He seems conflicted between whether or not he should say sorry or not. Why can't he be normal? It would make this way easier.

"Well I'm gonna finish this..." He gestures towards the wall. Of course.

I walk upstairs because I really don't want to fight with him. We already have enough problems as it is with this whole Louis and Harry deal. And the tension between Zayn and I is over the edge today.

"How did it go?" Harry flashes his usual charming smile.

I let out a sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"As good as that possibly could have gone with Zayn" I half laugh.

I really need to get out of this house. I haven't been out in what feels like ages but in reality has only been a few days. Since Louis and I's date. That was quite the disaster.

"Wanna go do something?" I ask harry.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, something fun to get our minds off the complicated guys in our life"

Harry laughs then nods his head.

"Sounds good"


"Ice skating!" I laugh as we drive hopelessly around the town looking for something to do.

"No way! I will fall on my face!" Harry giggles.

Harry is so much fun to be around. He's just so care free and sweet. He's really a great friend to have.

"Bowling?" He asks.

"Alright! Your on!" I laugh as I turn into the parking lot for the bowling alley.

"I'm gonna cream you" he says.

Zayn's probably gonna freak when he realizes I left. But if I didn't get out of that house I knew Zayn and I would have found something to fight over. Yes he's been really sweet but he's still really mean to me. It's like he's really trying hard at times but at others he doesn't really care.

Bowling with harry was great. It was exactly what I needed. By the end of the night my stomach was aching from laughter. You could say both of us lost. Almost every time we went up to bowl our ball went straight into the gutters. At one point Harry even requested to get the assistant thing for children.

"We absolutely suck at bowling" Harry laughs as we walk into the house.

"Where the hell have you been" Zayn comes rushing to my side.

Oh god here we go.

"We just went bowling" I sigh.

Then louis comes walking up to us. His face holds something that I can't exactly read.

"Harry...I'm sorry...can we talk?" Louis chokes out.

I rub Harrys arm encouragingly, then the two disappear upstairs leaving Zayn and I alone. Just from the look on Zayns face I know he's about to start shot with me. I begin to walk upstairs too but Zayn grabs my arm and pulls me back to him.

"What's your problem?" He asks

You. Us. Oh wait there is no us.

"Nothing Zayn. I just want to go to bed"

He pulls me into a hug and I almost pull away from him but I know if I do that he'll throw a fit.

"I'm sorry Cel..." He whispers into my ear. He's confusing. But I guess he is bipolar. So why am I surprised.

I want to stay mad at him. I really want him to know that I won't take his shit. But he makes it so hard. And it's not like he isn't trying. He really is trying for me. He just doesn't know how to treat someone right. He only knows how to tear people down and push them away from him.

"Let's go to bed" I whisper. I grab his hand and lead him upstairs. Zayn keeps himself close to me as we walk into the bedroom. He's a really handsy person. He likes to be close to me and majority of the time he's touching me in some way. When we lay down he immediately pulls my body against his and kisses me neck lightly.

"Tomorrow night?"

Is he talking about what I think he's talking about? Oh god. Now I'm nervous as crap. I try to play it off and make it seem like I'm not but I'm gonna lose my virginity to Zayn tomorrow. Im extremely anxious but I know he cares about me and I trust him.


Zayns POV:

When I wake up I notice Celia's already gone. I walk downstairs to find her sitting on the couch drinking coffee with Harry and to my surprise Louis.

"Hi Zayn" louis smiles widely.

Shit. Harrys good.

I sit down next to Celia and stare down louis. I'm waiting him to bust out in laughter and start cussing us out again.

"So I want to apologize to you both..." Louis begins. Harry places his hand on his shoulder encouraging him to go on.

"I realize I've over reacted...I was hurt by what you two did and I let it turn me into a monster..."

I loo at Celia who's making Googly eyes at his sweet apology.

"I forgive you louis..." She quickly replies

He smiles then looks at me.

"I'm not coming over there and kissing you man"

I guess that was funny because They all laugh.

"What do you say still partners in crime?"

I look to the ground then back up at him. He got what he deserved. This is over. Well almost.

"Ya man, partners in crime"

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