Chapter 14

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Looks like I can never get a break from her,she literally turns up everywhere we go.Maybe shes a crazy stalker.It could totally be possible,you never know.Shes the crazy ass ex stalker.

"Hello Darik,nice to see you here.I didnt know you would be here,you should have texted me,we could have hanged together."She said,casually,putting down her bags.

Um ahem!I am right here,the only person is not Darik and who said you are welcome here?Take a hint,the reason he didnt text you is because no one wants you here and no one wants to hang with you.

"Oh hey Andrea.I didnt expect to see you here,how have you been?"He answered,a smile on his face.

"Okay,shopping here and there,what have you been up to?"She asked with a seductive bite of a lip.

Darik gulped and sighed."Ya know,stuff,nothing much."He said,coolly,which almost lead me to laughing my butt off,he was so awkward at times.

"Thats good,I hope you dont mind but I would love for you to come over,nothing will happen unless you want it to happen,I swear,I know that girlfriend of yours is a lunatic,and jealous."She said,glancing at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Im right here and the least you could do is not hit on my boyfriend."I said,calmly as possible.

"Im not hitting on him,trust me,this isnt even close to hitting on him."She said with a smile."Darik,you know that.Tell her."She added.

Darik looked so uncomfortable.I was about to bite her head off.To calm down,I got up and smiled.

"Im heading to the restroom."I said,walking around the corner and going into the bathroom,running into the first clean and empty stall I saw.

I thought about what I could do to make her back off.After 2 minutes,I came out and fixed my hair and washed my hands,even though I didnt really use the bathroom.Thats when I watched the devil herself walk towards me.She pushed me.

"Look,get away from my man,or your going to learn the hard way,my family will force him to marry me.And we were together for a year before you.And he broke up with me,his MATE,after meeting you,a human,your wasting air in the world."She spat.

"Exuse me,but hes my man,I wont learn anything from an airhead,you cant force him to marry you,because we are getting married soon,the past doesnt matter,because he broke up with you to be with a human he met that day,I must be special,or you were just a bad girlfriend,probably both and stop thinking hes your mate,its clear that hes mine."I said with confidence.I walked out,her mouth hanging open.

I walked to Darik and sat down again.

"How dare you leave me with her?"He asked coldly.

"What do you mean Darik,I went to the bathroom."I said,innocently.

"She was badmouthing you and flirting with me,shes part Siren you know,she can make anyone do anything,if they arnt weak minded,and she tried to kiss me,but I pushed her away after reading what she was thinking and after an uncomfortable talk about how she was meant to mine I told her to leave and she did."

"Oh shes going down the next time I see her...she came to the bathroom and sad you were her man and said she was going to force you to marry her and thinking that she was your mate,and some other things that dont matter."I said with a chuckle to lighten up his mood.

He grunted."Wow,thats low."He said.The coldness still visible and it was killing me.

"Im sorry,I will try to hold my bladder next time,just please dont be mad at me,I hate seeing you like this,mad at me."I plead.

"I cant stay mad at you for long anyways."He said with a smile.

I laughed and got up and took his hand."Can we go now?"I asked,picking up my bags.

The drive home was filled with singing,talking and laughter.I was kind of sad to come back to the mansion,we had such a great time except the Andrea part,which was still probably funny because we both told her off.I got out and took Darik's hand.We avoided everyone and went inside our separate rooms and put away our clothes.I went downstairs after,not wanting to disrupt Darik.I looked at Evan,that traitor,working with another and here.Disgusting.I got stopped by Master.

"Goodday Elizabeth,I would like to speak to you about something."He said,leading me into his room,not even waiting for my answer.

"Okay,what is it?"I asked casually.

"I know you love my son and I can tell he loves you,but we are going into war soon and I need you and Darik safe,so I want to send you to the human world."He said quietly.

"Oh my god,you would do that?!Im assuming that it will be a total different continent though,I cant risk being caught."I said.

"Yes,Europe to be exact,we arnt telling anyone but you and Darik but Darik seems to be spending much of his time with you,which im glad but I mean,you need to tell Darik and leave tomorrow,sorry for such a short notice,tomorrow at 9 AM you will be on a plane to Europe,stay in an all paid hotel."He explained.

"Okay,cool,thanks,I will tell him the next time I see him!"I exclaimed,getting up.

"Your welcome,dont tell anyone,we dont want gossip,I heard the people we are going into war are wanting to kidnap Darik,cant let that happen.Tell Darik the same."He said,with a 'dad' tone

I nodded and left with a huge smile.Wow,the human world,Europe,with Darik,all alone...wait,they are going into war shouldnt I be more focused on their safety and Darik may want to help...oh gosh this is going to be a disaster.

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