Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV

I looked straight at my mom.Glaring at her,causing her to flinch,but she still glared back at me.I walked into the kitchen,where she was standing.I was furious.I had got invited to the biggest party of the year and here I am battling with my mother,asking to go.She already said no but why not tell her how much this would mean to me?But that plan halted when I saw her glaring back at me.

"May I help you again Elizabeth?"Asked my mom with a smirk,an evil smirk.

"Oh mother,just that I am stuck at this house with nothing to do,imagining how that party would be."I confessed.

I stared at my moms brown hair,with gray strands here and there,her tired eyes.Ever since our dad left she had been working her butt off for us to be able to go to bed with a full stomach.But I didnt care one bit,she had to let me go to that party.

My mom's face softened.You cant go because there will be drinking and drugs and smoking and I already told you that thats not the crowd you will hang out with,besides,its too late and-I cut my mom off."

I want to go and who cares if they drink,high school kids do that!Smoking isnt such a big deal.And I told you there arnt going to be any drug addicts that I know of,at that party.I raged.I was fuming,I was literally about to burst."

No.You cant go and thats final.And if you ask why,because I said so,no other reason behind it.She said calmly."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.I ran upstairs into my room and slammed the door.Thats when a plan formed in my head.It wouldnt hurt to sneak out once or twice would it?I put on a short black dress with lace sleeves and black buttons.I pulled out my combat boots and put it under my bed.I pulled on my robe and sketched out my perfect plan.Twenty minutes after I heard my mom snoring,I pulled on my combat boots,combed my high ponytail once more,checked myself in the full body mirror and stepped onto a branch that was easily reachable from my bedroom window.I swiftly climbed down but fell.I felt a harsh stinging on my knee.It was a scrape.I got up and brushed myself off and started walking,it was only 15 minutes away anyways.

I made it to the party right on time.I could hear the music and yelling from a block away.I ran the rest of the way,eager to see the raging party.I ran into a crowd in the hallway.The house was huge.I searched for my friends in the crowds.There were red solo cups everywhere.There were people making out everywhere I looked.I finally found my friend,Xavier,smoking with 2 other guys and a red headed girl.I walked over,and grabbed a cup,so it looked like I have been there for awhile and that im not a lame person.I pretended to take a sip,but wouldnt dare take one.

I tapped Xavier and he turned around."Hey Beth,I was looking for you,you finally made it."Said Xavier.

"I snuck out,its not like my mom would let me come here."I replied coolly.

"Right,well I see you already got yourself a whiskey,so,have fun?"He asked searching my eyes for some reason.

"Is something wrong,is there something on my face?"I asked,frantically,I knew my crush was here somewhere,I had to look perfect.

"No,your good,you look beautiful,I mean you always look beautiful,but,you know,you,nevermind.You get it."Xavier replied.

He was looking around the room until his eyes looked directly at me.I knew that Xavier liked me,but he was just a friend and I wanted to keep it that way.I nodded,not knowing what to say to him acting like this.I smiled and hugged him.

"Im going to go now,have fun,I will come see you soon,before I leave."I said,just wanted us to not be awkward right now.

"Yeah okay,see you then."He turned around and went back over to where the guys he was smoking with were.

I watched them tease him and playfully punch him and I was ripped from watching them play around when I heard my name behind me.I turned around and was face to face with my crush.Even Peters.His wavy blonde hair and green eyes.I froze.Why would he want to talk to me?What does he want?How does he now my name?

"H-hi Evan,what do you need?"I stuttered and slapped myself in my mind.No stuttering Elizabeth,you act cool.Act like you dont care about him,or like you didnt freeze when he said your name.I took a deep breath.

"Oh,I just wanted to talk,this party is kinda lame,you wanna go outside,get some fresh air?"He wasnt looking at me,he was looking around the room and then looked at my body up and down.

I couldnt tell him that I just got here and this party is not lame,because it really wasnt.I was going to say no,but my mind had a different approach.

"Yeah sure,im getting kind of nauseous anyways,from the smoke and alcohol."Why would I say yes?He doesnt even know me,this is probably the 3rd time he even looked my way.And even if it came out as a yes,why would I say im nauseous now he probably will change his mind since  he now thinks that I might barf.

"Oh ok,come on,lets go."He lead me out of the house and we started walking in scilence.

"So,how did you even know my name?I barely talk-I mean we barely talk."I said,stuttering of course since this is not the question I was planning to ask,I didnt even think he would talk to me at this party.Let alone walk around together,by ourselves.

"I know you better than you think,I know pretty much everything about you,he stopped walking and turned to face me,he had an evil smirk on his face.His eyes were turning red.

I froze,this was not happending right now.He cannot have red eyes and he cant know everything about me,we literally just met kind of,unless hes a stalker,stalker or not,humans arnt supposed to have red eyes.I started to run.I didnt know what else to do.He caught my shoulder and yanked me back.He picked me up by my throat and threw me down.Which hurt my leg alot.

"What are you doing?!STOP,OR I WILL CALL THE POLICE."I cried.

"Im not human,I was sent here to kidnap you,and here I am,say goodbye to the human world,we are going somewhere far away."He said.

Is he mentally a psycho?He harshly picked me up and walked over to a black van,that I never realized was there.He opened the door and threw me in.I was greeted by other faces,evil faces,with fangs and red eyes as well.They locked the doors and started driving.

"Is she the girl Master wanted for his son?"Asked the woman in the passenger seat.

"Yeah,she is an idiot."Said Evan.

I rolled my eyes."Let me go,now or I will call the police."I said strongly.

"Oh sweetie,there is nothing you can do to make us not kidnap you."Said a man behind me.

"My name is Elizabeth and I demand for you to let me go!"I cried,and winced when Evan pushed my up against the wall.

"Stop talking,or we will and can make you black out and hurt you even more..."Said Evan.

I nodded and got put down.I studied everything.I started silently crying and examined my bloody leg.

"Where are we going?"I asked 10 minutes later.Everyone was silent before I asked.

"Thats her last chance Evan,make her go goodnight."Said the woman.

Evan walked toward me,suddenly he wasnt that hot or cool,he was evil and mean and lame.How could anyone fall for him?

"Evil ,mean and lame huh?Fall for me?Oh wow,now your really going to get beat."He growled.

Suddenly everything went black.

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