Chapter 12

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The pain in my stomach grew as I saw him doing what I saw him doing.Darik was pushed against the wall and she was straddling him.Darik was holding her up by his hands,on her thighs making her skirt go even more up and she was pulling his hair slightly and they were so close that one move could make their lips touch.Darik had a evil smirk and she had a seductive smile.I was never the jealous type for anything,so I didnt think of anything,it hurt but I was going to let it play out,see how far this goes.Anyways,I should have known the love wasnt real and we just started dating,it was hard not to cheat,since we had just met and started dating,I should have known not to fall in love with someone this quick.

"Elizabeth,arnt you going to do something?You see the scene unfolding dont you?"Mrs.Yerman asked,I didnt have to see her face to know her worrying expression was there.

I turned away from the scene and looked at my food,while everyone looked at me.

"Im not the jealous type and we just started dating,I wouldnt think someone would love me anyways,not this quick,I shouldnt have fallen for it,its okay,im fine."I said,quickly.

"My son doesnt do this,im sorry."Master said,almost whispering.

"Who is she anyways?"I asked,out of pure curiosity.

"His ex,im sad to say."Mrs.Yerman replied sadly.

When I heard that,I stood up,I didnt care about the loudness and walked upstairs.I heard Darik calling my name faintly,before I closed the door and locked it.I didnt cry,I didnt do anything,I used the computer and looked at my facebook and the news.They stopped the search for me already.Did my mom request it?Did my dad call?Did my mom care?Did she want to even see me again?I was interrupted when there was knocking on my door.I went to the door,hoping it wasnt Darik but wouldnt argue if it was him.I opened the door and saw a sad Darik.

"Hi."I replied calmly,and sat at the computer,studying the news article.

"Your not mad?Your not going to break up with me,you didnt cry?"He asked,curiously.

"No way,im not mad,I get it,and I was thinking you would break up with me for her anyways and why would I cry,not everyone cries when their boyfriend gets so close to another girl,and doesnt even notice his girlfriend."My anger coming out,and I noticed.

"You should be mad,you should break up with me,and I am not going to break up with you for her,I want to work this out.Your a strong woman."he replied,looking everywhere but my eyes.

"I just want an explanation of why you were doing that with your ex,if its good enough,and you promise to never do that again with anyone,we can resume our relationship."I said,calmly.

"I promise and its kind of silly of why I did what I did but now I know,even if I was risking something big.And how did you know shes my ex?Who told you?"He asked,with a hint of happiness.

"Everyone at the table noticed and they told me,and why didnt you want me to find out?"I asked,losing my patience.

"I could of picked any other girl,but I picked my ex,and I know your angry at that."He said,probably reading my damn mind.

"I dont care,shes beautiful,shes slutty and shes your ex,your used to doing stuff like that."I replied,my anger coming out again.

"Your even more beautiful than her in my eyes,and she is slutty,I mean did you see her clothes and I said to keep it at a low level,which was the talking,but she went all in,like DAMNNN!And I never saw her like that,only when I told her my plan she started acting like this...ugh,I should have known."He said,laughing.

I laughed along and looked at him.

"I only did this to see how you would handle it.Would you come stop it?Observe,ignore?Afterwards,what would you do?Cry?Kill me?Break up with me?I just wanted to know how you are,and now I know your the strong woman who isnt jealous,which isnt always a good thing."He said,confessing.

"Come on,you didnt have to make me think that you never loved me,or that I wasnt good enough.And I should have known that you would cheat on me with someone like that."I said,whining,because it really hurt me.

He laced his fingers into mine and kissed me.The heat,passion and hunger was all there.The want,the need the roughness,it wasnt soft but rough and animal like which wasnt a bad change.He pulled away for breath and pecked my lips one more time and sat next to me.He lifted me onto his lap and I snuggled into his chest and put my face into his neck.He rubbed my back and ran his fingers through my hair.We stayed like that until Darik talked.

"I never meant to hurt you,im sorry and dont ever doubt my love for you.You know that is something that is true and wont die."He said,soothing me.

"I love you too and I accept your apology,im a sucker when it comes to not forgiving guys when they did something I dont like but had a sweet explanation."I said,embarrassed.

I heard the clack of heels and it got closer till I felt the presence of the ex.

"Darik,is this the woman that you left me for?"She asked.

When did he leave her?I was thinking about it so Darik would read my mind and tell me.

"The day you got kidnapped and brought here.He whispered,putting me on the bed and pulling me to him.

"Yeah,this is my girlfriend,Elizabeth."Darik replied with an edge.

"You left me for a freaking HUMAN...?!!?She screamed.

I whimpered,she scared me when her eyes turned red and reminded me of Evan when he beat me and when he kidnapped me.Darik pulled me behind him on the bed and I held onto him,clinging like my life depended on it.The ex started smashing things.First my vase then she knocked over my desk.

"STOP,stop doing this,just stop,this wont change anything."He cried.

The ex stopped and started sobbing.

I widened my eyes and thought about why she was now crying.

"We were together for a year and you leave me for a human,you probably already said
"I love you" to her and with 1 year of dating,none for me!"She sobbed.

"Ally,you should go,I invited you for a simple chat,not straddling and you destroying my property and you crying."He said,sternly.

"I want you to give me another chance,I can give you 3 times the fun this human can do,we survived a year without arguments."She sobbed,muffled by covering her face.

I couldnt help but notice she was doing this for attention and Darik to be willing to give her another chance,the way she was parting her legs,and the SKIRT didnt help and her looking at just Darik with sadness.I was good at sensing those things.

"No,I love her,and you have no right for another chance,I know it was unfair but we wernt meant for eachother."He said,trying to compromise.

"Fine,but I want to be able to talk to you,show you that we are meant to be."She said,and got up.

"Okay,but I can already assure you that we are not meant to be,I dont fell the connection and I never did.And just talking."He said,balling up his fists.

"If you dont feel it then know that I am here for you,and have been,as a friend and a lover."She said,and walked out.

I thought about them talking and her making a move on my Darik and I looked at the bed covers,with sorrow.

"We both know that I would never let her lay another finger on me,the only hands and body that go on my is yours."He said,chuckling.

I slightly laughed and got pulled on his chest when he collapsed on my bed,which he likes doing to any bed.I laughed harder.

"I love you."I said,meaning it.

"I love you too."He said,finally looking at me and we shared a romantic and passionate kiss together.

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