Chapter 13

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Master's POV

"What do you mean by we got a war threat from the other vampires?I know we arnt very liked but we never did anything wrong either,so what exactly happend?"

"Well me and the guards were walking and surveying when we noticed a note,and im sure you have read it,and it talked about how they were going to attack and kill us,and hopefully kidnap you or Darik and torture you two till you your wife."Replied Evan with respect and no eye contact on the last part.

He flinched by the ending of the sentence."Um,okay,well we need to train and be alert at all times,it seems legit,but we must try to fix the matter,with words,not harm."He said,deep in thought of what they could want.

"Yes sir,I will alert everyone about the training and the letter and sir,maybe you shouldnt step into this battle and stay hidden,you and Darik are at risk at being kidnapped,but Darik is highly trained,better than me I suppose and the last time you fought was 10 human years ago."He said,a smirk in his tone about pretty much calling Master old.

"Your right,I will choose the weapons and the battle plans but I might as well listen to you and stay away."Master said respectfully.

"Yes Master,am I free to go?"He asked,looking toward the 2 guards that accompanied him.

"Yes,thank you Evan."He said,with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine Master!"He shouted as he walked out the door,the guards following him

I opened up the letter and read it the 3rd time today.

Dear Master,or should I say fool,but I might as well call you by your name Edwin,

We have been enemies since you took the throne for your father,and even more when I took your wife and tortured her.Oh she was beautiful,and innocent,far too much,so it had to be done.First we beat her,and then we burned her,but put her out,just to see her screech in pain again when we lit her again.Then eventually we drowned her but she awoke 2 days later and we ended up just shooting her to death,which you have the tape.Dont think that even for a second I wont do those things to Darik or you.Enough rambling,I am calling war.It is acceptable.Your  father,your father died from a disease,didnt he?Well what if I told you we were the ones to inject it in him?We did,and he died,which is what he deserves since...he killed my mother and father.You dont know my name or anything,and you wont find out.Lets just say your going down because I have something that you dont have...a spy on the inside.I dont go down without a fight,see you at war Edwin.


                                                                                                                                                                                 Your Enemy.

I put the note back into the drawer it was safely stored in before I read it and thought of a war plan,and coming to the conclusion that I needed help with this because I dont know how strong these vampires are,when they are coming.I decided to call Evan in my office again,my most trusted guard.And I needed him to help me investigate "the spy on the inside."


Elizabeth's POV


I was combing my hair when I felt Darik snake his arms around my waist.I smiled.

"Guess who."He said with a cute smile.

"If its not Zac Efron im going to scream."I replied playfully.

"Aw,I thought you would say James Franko."He replied smoothly,coming in front of my view and pecking my lips.

"I see your ready,but I already ate breakfast,my hair got humid from the heat,and I came to control it,and its 12 PM,your late,its lunch time."I scolded like a mother.

"Okay mother."He replied,kissing my cheek and leaving my room.

What happend to his mother anyways?Master had to have a wife at some point.I pushed the thought away for now and  went downstairs after picking a fashion magazine to read.I watched Darik eat his lunch,and breakfast and I sat on the couch and flipped through the pages,looking at all the outfits I couldnt afford.

"Babe,we could afford those,no problem"Darik said,scaring me,because he was eating lunch a minute ago and now hes behind me,reading my mind.

I let out a yelp as he picked me up,bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we went to his car.I got in.

"Okay,where are we going and what did I tell you about reading my mind and dont sneak up on me like that,I got scared!"I cried,all in one breath.

"Oh wow,okay,you dont know,I may be reading your mind right now and sneaking up is a no no now and we are going shopping,vampires need malls and I need jeans and man stuff anyways.So lets go,and you want to buy clothes,I can tell by the fashion magazine."He said,all in one breath,mimicking me.

"Okay then,so lets go."I said,hiding my excitment to see the mall and buy CLOTHES,ACCESSORIES AND SHOES!

I know the vampires provided me with everything I could need but I needed my own taste in clothing too,those wernt things that I bought with my liking and I was running out of things I actually liked in that closet.We stopped 20 minutes later at a 3 story building,filled with vampires.And so many stores.After he bought jeans and cologne I bought some clothing,3 bags to be exact and vampires were into the same things as humans.Which was funny because I would think the stereotype and think they only wore goth things,but there were some with alot of color,some goth and pretty much like humans except they were pale and I almost got bitten by one.We were eating our ice cream when I spotted my enemy here,Darik's ex.She looked at Darik and smirked at me and came and sat down next to Darik,really close.Lets just say,shits aboutta go down.

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