Chapter 22

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I waited for Master to come back with Darik.Yup,he was getting out of the hospital,declared that he wasnt getting his memory back anytime soon.Which was good for me.But they said it will only need 10 minutes and its now ongoing 30 minutes.I walked down the long hallways till I heard Master and Darik talking.It seemed quite tense.I listened in quietly.

"Wait,what do you mean that you were faking the memory loss?!"Master's voice rose at the end.

"I did have memory loss but it all came back after I saw Elizabeth walk in,dad I made a huge mistake,and I want her to think I forgot and forgive me,and love me like she used to.I didnt know that I made a mistake until I saw her when she came back to the mansion,dad I want her to be my wife,and I dont want to give her up,I dont want to lose her."His voice cracked.

I tear fell on my hand.I wiped them away.He loved me,and only pretended because he wanted me back...wait,should I play along or tell him that I overheard?

"Okay then,I am going to get the discharge papers and tell them to check your arm cast one more time."Master said,I froze.I quietly ran back into the waiting room,getting weird stares from everyone.I sat down,ignoring them.

A few seconds later I heard Master come in and I smiled at him,rising in my chair.

"So is he alright,is he coming?"I asked,acting clueless.

"Still no memory,which is good for you,and yes,I was going to get the discharge papers and a nurse to help him get ready to go home."He replied,looking around for someone to help with the discharge.

"Okay,can I go see him,and talk until the nurse shows up?"I asked,wanting to confront him playfully.

"Go ahead,ill be there in a few."He said,walking away.

I nodded and speed-walked to his room.He smiled at me and I smiled back

"I gotta talk to you about something."I said,sitting down and holding his hand,the one not in the cast.

I felt him freeze."Im not mad."I reassured him,kissing his hand.

He nodded and smiled."Okay,in that case,go ahead."He said,with a soft voice.

"I know that you had your memory since you saw me,and you were pretending so you could get me back.Which was super sweet."I smiled at the end.

He looked at me,eyes widened."Oh,im so sorry,sweet?I was doing it for my benefit."He said,not looking at my eyes.

"Oh no,I heard and its sweet that you want me to be your wife and dont want to lose me."I added,with a playful smirk.

"Oh my gosh,you were eavesdropping?!"He asked,playfully pushing me.

We started laughing when the nurse came in,and we stopped.The nurse unhooked him from all the wires and helped him into a wheelchair that wasnt needed.I walked next to him when they took him where Master was,next to the entrance with a copy of the discharge papers.The car ride was silent but comfortable.I was lost in my own thoughts.Before I knew it,I was drifting to sleep.

I jolted awake,in my own bed.I wondered how I got here?Last time I was in the car.I was so hungry.I wiped my eyes and yawned.I walked over to Darik's room,and knocked.He opened his door with his pjs on.

"How did I get here?I fell asleep in the car,not in the bedroom im pretty sure."I said,smiling.I couldnt wipe the smile on my face when I was talking to him.

He pulled me into his chest and held me."I carried you,of course."He replied.

"Oh no,I cant let that happen again,you have a cracked bone,you need to heal it!"I cried,giving him a stern look.

"Okay,MOM!"He said,walking over and collapsing on the bed.

I walked over and collapsed next to him."Im hungry.Im going to get food,do you want anything?"I asked,tapping his chest repetitively.

"A sandwich pleaseee."He begged.I groaned and rolled off the bed.

I walked downstairs and made two grilled cheese sandwiches and walked into his room.I walked in on Darik talking on the phone,very angrily.

"Look,Andrea.We never were together 2 days ago,no I didnt lose my memory,I was using you as a friend,not a girlfriend,just leave me and my girlfriend alone okay?You dont mean shit to me anymore."He said,sternly,and slamming down his phone.

I put the sandwiches down."Why did she call?To explain why she didnt come see you at the hospital because sluts'r'us was having a sale?"I asked,sarcastically,patting myself on the back,mentally for that one.

Darik laughed and nodded."I didnt give her a chance to say anything."He said,smiling and walking over to the sandwiches."And this is all you can do?"He asked,munching on the sandwich.

"No,but you seem to be enjoying it."I challenged,taking a small bite to see if it tasted good.

"I didnt say that I didnt like it!"He said,putting his hands up,as a sign of surrendering.

This was the Darik I loved.Playful and loving.I loved this man so much.I smiled at him,while he was eating his sandwich.I giggled quietly.I put down my sandwich and took his,and sat on his lap.I took little bite size pieces and put it in his mouth.I also ate myself.When he was done he would open his mouth and show me that he was done,like a little kid.I laughed when he did and fed him some more.Even after the grilled cheese was all gone,we sat like that,in silence,in peace.

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