Pourquoi la Catastrophe?

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Wow. It's pretty much been a month. Je suis desolé. Again, just me being lazy. But honestly, you guys should only expect an update, like, once every month by now. If it's earlier than that then it's a miracle! Go read my notes book for a schedule. Alright, I'm gonna try to make this long for you guys!

*Third Person POV*

"... What? What's France?" Edward questioned. Tamaki broke down crying in his emo corner, mumbling: "He doesn't even know what France is..." and just kept rambling to himself about various things.

Honey spoke up. "France is the country Tama-chan is from. His mom still lives there, but he doesn't get to see her much because his grandma doesn't like her. See, Tama-chan's mom wasn't married to his dad when he was born, so his grandma isn't too fond of her, I guess." (I think that's right, haven't seen OHSHC in a while) Tamaki got up and walked back over. "Well, tomorrow we will have our cosplay day! And then after school, we are boarding a private jet to France! Now, the flight will be 12 hours and 30 minutes. But we've all dealt with each other this long, right?"

"It's more likely that we'll all go insane at that point..." Haruhi muttered, her eyebrow twitching. Tamaki just slapped and arm onto her shoulder and laughed.

"What the h*** is this?" Mustang retorted.

"Do you guys, like, not have planes where you come from?" Hikaru asked.

"Never seen one of these in my life."

Some snickers came from the Hitachiin twins. "Hey, Boss! These guys've never seen a plane!"

"What?! Oh my goodness! Well, it's basically a metal bird that you can fl--"

"Ed, look at these engines!"

"Winry, I don--"

"Man, they're huge!" (That's NOT what she said...)

Winry was inspecting the plane. Just like a normal mechanic would, upon seeing something new. Ed was trying to pull her away-- and she said he did dangerous stuff-- but his plan didn't work.

"Everyone on! And Miss Winry, you'll have plenty of time after to analyze it(I swear if anyone gets the Tales of Xillia reference, you are my BFF)." Kyoya said.

Everyone eventually got on the plane. It took some convincing from Roy to tell Hawkeye that it was safe. May was also a bit hesitant, but after Al got on, she decided it was ok.

While the private jet rushed through the high altitudes, some people were now regretting their decision to get on.

The plane trip was exactly what you would expect: Winry marveling at how the engines worked, Ed shrinking into his seat and nodding along with what she was saying, Roy resting his head in Riza's lap out of nervousness, Team Mustang freaking out about the height, and so on. The only calm and collected people on the ride were Al, May, and Kyoya.

Haruhi, however, looked calm, but was definitely not. I'm just waiting for something crazy to happen... It's inevitable.
Alright, there's your chapter! I WILL get the next one out by September 13! If I haven't, feel free to spam me on PM about how terrible I am at updating. Anywho, see you next month!

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