Disaster Cosplay, Yes It Is

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Hey guys! Again, sorry about the lateness, but now that it's summer, I really have no excuse. I'm just being lazy ¯\_()_/¯ .This chapter will be somewhat short. It will be the boys' part. Hope ya enjoy! Also, wanna see the mastermind behind your fanfic? If I get 10 comments wanting me to, I'll do a face reveal next chapter!
*Roy's POV*

I can't believe this. We're actually doing it. I mean, not that I have anything against being a host or anything, but shouldn't we be trying to get back home? Well, I am pretty excited to see Riza belly-dance... But that's beside the point!

Right now, Tamaki is choosing our outfits based on our "types". Tell you what, he can get really serious about this host business.

"Now, all of you line up!" He said. I got in line with the rest, all of us facing outwards as we usually do. Tamaki was holding a stack of clothes on hangers. He went down the line and made sure to give us the correct costume.

When he got to me, I must admit that I was a little scared. After seeing this young man's personality, I never knew what was around the corner. The boy grabbed the hanger of mine and placed it gently in my arms.

After I'd taken a deep breath, I peeked at it. I knew what the theme was, so I thought it couldn't be too bad.


It was a loose-fitting outfit, but it was just a vest-- no shirt--with "pants", if that's what you could call them (have you seen Aladdin, or maybe even Magi? Those kind of puffy pants). They were so poofy that it looked like you could barely sit in them.

And then there's the jewelry. So many golden bands, necklaces, and rings. It was insane. Now, normally, I would be all over a sexy outfit to attract women, but... it doesn't feel right this time. But I guess I'll just go along with all of this. After all, I will get to see Riza belly-dance. I smirked.

"Men! Listen up!" Tamaki said loudly, his voice bouncing off the walls. My head perked up, along with everyone else's. As Tamaki went over the theme and other things he had mentioned earlier again, I took a look at everyone's expressions. My team looked very... disturbed, that's the right word. And Fullmetal, well, his face was as red as his coat. Al also looked a little shaken. Ling, on the other hand, seemed happy. But, he does walk around practically half naked all day, so he'd be alright.

"...And now we will teach you a few proper host skills!" Tamaki said, finishing up. "Now, especially when cosplaying, it's important to be in character. You also need to be yourself, but keep in mind what it would be like to actually be the person you are cosplaying. These girls love romance, but they also like some kindness and compassion!" We all nodded in understanding, most of us having girlfriends/wives/fiancés, so the concept was easier to grasp. "Also, treat the girls as if they were, perhaps, your sister or wife. Make sure they feel welcome and happy at all times!"

Kyoya walked up to Tamaki, and whispered in his ear. Tamaki's eyes widened. A murmur was audible as he seemed overwhelmed with joy. He yelled for the Hitachiin twins and the ladies. We were all gathered in front of Tamaki, waiting for what he was going to say. A few tears slipped from his eyes. "Guys, we're going to France!"

Cliffhanger! Haha yeah I know I'm a terrible person. But don't worry, now that it's summer I will try to get chapters up sooner! See ya next time!

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