Disaster's Result

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Hey guys! So, my friend IRL,@disneypaws, reminded me that I needed to update this while I was at her house... I honestly forgot about it for a little.. So thanks to her for reminding me and helping to get the chapter out sooner! And please don't kill me!! *duck and cover* Also, thanks sooooooo much for 1.02k views!!!!

The men sighed in unison. It had been a long day, and even thought they had enjoyed their "one-time shot" as hosts, exhaustion had taken over their bodies. Even Roy was tired from being a playboy all day... I'm going to die. That's all there is to it, I'm just going to die. Roy thought. Riza is gonna kill me, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Actually, a few of the men were also about to be killed by their girlfriends and wives (aka Ed, Al, and Ling). In fact, pretty much everyone in the room feared for their lives. But, yet again, there was nothing they could do about it.

Tamaki spoke up. "Guys, dialogue! Wouldn't want this story to get too boring, now would you?"

"Ugh. Fine. If I have to." Ed groaned.
-Ed's situation-

"So, how did it go?" Winry walked in, her wrench in hand. Crap. I'm dead. She seated herself next to Ed, and the tension slowly increased. "Okay okay it went fine butIdidn'tdoanythingsopleasedon'tkillme!!" He covered his head with his arms and prepared for a hard hit. But all he got was a kiss on the cheek. "Ok~!" She said. What.. What the H***?! WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER? SHE'S WAY TOO OOC!

-Al's situation-

May skipped over to Al. "Agh, I missed you! How was it? Did you make friends like they said you would?" F-friends? Is that what they told her?!

"Um, yeah. Lots." He said shakily. May smiled. "Good!" Oh god... she's so cute, how would I say no?

-Roy's situation-

Riza quietly sat down next to Roy. He tensed up as soon as he felt the cushion move from her weight. "How did it go?" She subtly asked.

Roy thought for a moment. "It.. It was okay. Nothing new, really."

Riza gave him a death glare. "Are you sure? That's not what it seemed like."

"Y-yes, ma'am!"

Riza sighed. "Alright, I'll trust you." What?! Since when does she ever trust me?!?!

-Ling's situation-

Lan Fan blushed. "How did it go, L-ling?"

"Oh, it went fine! Thanks for asking!"


--End of Situations--

Alright, guys! Was it good? Again, as I said before, thanks a million for 1.02k views!!! You don't know how much that means to me, honestly! And thanks so much for all the support and views! Love you all!!! (≧∇≦)

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