Beginnings of a Disaster PART 2 (Earth)

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*Haruhi's POV*

"T-Tamaki... You're suffocating me..." I struggled to say. Tamaki let out a dramatic gasp and cried out, "OH HARUHI DADDY'S SO SORRY HE DIDN'T MEAN ANY HARM!" He squeezed me even tighter. "It's just been so long, like two months and I've missed you sooooooo much!" I was finally released from the death hug. Tamaki put his hands on my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes. He moved one hand from my shoulder to my head and kissed my forehead.

I felt my cheeks turn red as I blushed probably the most I ever have, besides the time my dad followed me into the women's bathroom. On purpose. But that doesn't matter. What actually matters is that WE ARE STANDING IN THE HOST CLUB WITH FREAKING CUSTOMERS AND THE REST OF THE HOST CLUB, AND THESE GIRLS THINK I'M A GUY AND THEY'RE PROBABLY THINKING WE ARE GAY! Ugh... Here come the fangirls...

"OMG! They're so adorable!"

"I know, right?"

Sighing, I hung my head. Honey hopped over to us with his eyes sparkling and his little pink flowers blooming around him. "Tama-chan, I didn't know you like Haru-chan! But you're so cute together!!" He then joined with the fangirls. And of course, Mori followed suit. But no matter how much he tried, he just didn't seem to ever show much emotion. Tamaki tried to calm the girls down. No such luck.

A hand landed on my shoulder. I jumped but turned to see that it was just Kyoya. He pushed his glasses up his nose and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Do you have feelings for him?"

I felt a little uncomfortable answering that, but he'd keep bugging me about it. So I nodded, slowly. Kyoya stood back up straight and smiled. "Knew it."

"H-How? Was it that obvious?" I stuttered.

"Quite. Just the looks you give him sometimes or the way you reprimand him. It took me a while to understand, but once I figured it out it was all too easy to notice."

"Yeah he's right." Hikaru's voice startled me. Like seriously, can they stop scaring me?!

"Boss even confessed to it once." Kaoru said. "I think you two should get together."

"I mean, why not? You both love each other." Hikaru finished. I sighed. "I guess so... Maybe we will."

It seemed like a good choice. I mean, my dad may hate Tamaki's guts for his first impression, and we're nothing alike, but I feel like this relationship might work out.

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