A New Disaster (no seriously, this guy is legit a walking disaster)

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Sorry for the late update, I had to figure out how to work this chapter out... If you can guess who I'm about to introduce into the story just by the title, then good for you. And hint: he's from FMAB. Another hint: he has double personality. (That might have given it away)

The flowers ruffled along with the breeze like they had nothing else to do. Well, they're flowers, so that's about the only thing they can do. But these weren't just any old flowers. These were Xingelis ligur (don't ask, I made it up). And where do these flowers grow?

If you answered Xing, then you are correct. So today, our story is set in Xing. For now.

Emperor Ling Yao was not happy. He was not happy at all. So there he sat, at one of the ends of the Council's long table, fuming. What might he be so angry about, you might ask? Isn't he cheery and optimistic and kind? He is all of the previous, but even though he is, that doesn't mean he never will be in a bad mood.

Ling honestly didn't know why he was angry. It must've been that everything just felt... off. He had woken up irritated and groggy, and even snapped at his wife, Lan Fan. And snapping at anybody (especially his wife) was a last resort. So Ling was on a little mission to find out why he was so angry.

"Sorry, guys. I'm just not focused today. You can continue with the meeting, but I'm going to go clear my mind." Ling was very casual with the Council. They still used formalities with him, but he didn't care.

"A-ah... I see. Go ahead, we will fill you in tomorrow, Your Majesty." said Elder Dang (pronounced d-â-ng, not d-ā-ng). Ling nodded and walked briskly out of the room.

First, he headed off to the training room to hit a few punching bags, thinking maybe his problem was stress-related. No results.

Next, he went and meditated with the monks, thinking he had too much on his mind. Nothing.

After that (possibly eveb more angry), he swung by the palace to pick up Lan Fan and took a walk with her, apologizing and thinking he just needed some time with her. Nope.

Then, while still walking, he saw some children playing and singing. That's it! Ling felt so stupid, realizing that all he needed was to get together with some of his old friends. He hadn't done so in a long while, for his duties took up most of his time.


At sunset, Ling was sitting on the bed with Lan Fan and complaining about how much of a failure he was.

"I didn't even realize that I hadn't seen my friends in so long..." he sniffled.

"Friends?" A creepy voice said. Ling and Lan Fan jumped at the sound. "Would you like to know where they are?" Lan Fan grabbed her sword on the dresser. The man waved his hands. "No no, I'm not here to hurt you. All I am is a simple transporter. Ah, I haven't said my name. Kuroshitsuji, or Nekozawa." He held out his hand. Ling eyed him suspiciously, but took his hand and shook it. "Ling Yao, Emperor. And that's my wife, Lan Fan."

"Well, let's get to business. You'd like to see your friends, correct?" As Nekozawa spoke, he started to draw a black magic circle on the floor.

"Y-yes."Ling replied shakily. Nekozawa grinned.

"Have a nice trip." He slammed his hands down on the circle.

A bright light shone and a portal appeared. Ling and Lan Fan fell in, rather than being pushed. They landed in front of two large, pink doors. With no signs of a portal back, they had no choice but to see what was inside the door. Ling raised a fist to knock, and...
Woo hoo, cliffhanger! Well, FINALLY I updated, huh? Yep, here's the chapter that took me so long to do... Was it worth the wait? But it's here now!!! And I will DEFINITELY update sooner than this time! Ok, ciao! Hope you enjoyed!

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