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Sorry for the bit of wait! Enjoy, if possible..
This chapter (and the last one) is dedicated to @Tenth_Ace for reminding me about Ling! Thanks for doin' that!

Ling brought his fist down onto the very pink door. And then, as if on cue, the door opened inward, and a bright light shone. The scent of rose petals accompanied the light, and a chorus of used-to-be-happy voices sang "Welcome to the Host Club!"

Ling grabbed Lan Fan's hand and cautiously led her into the room. And when his eyes focused and the light cleared away, a weird sight awaited him.

Tamaki sat in his normal chair, with the others surrounding him as usual. But, there were a few additions to the group. Edward, Alphonse, and Roy stood in the group, Ed next to Tamaki, Al by Haruhi's side, and Roy next to Kyoya. All three of them in Ouran uniforms. The girls-- Winry, May, and Hawkeye-- sat off to the side on a couch, and Team Mustang sat around a round table, playing cards.

"My, my, what have we here? More foreign--" Tamaki started, but didn't finish.

"YOU!" Ed yelled, rushing from his position. He reached Ling and grabbed him by the collar. "What the h*** are you doing here, you d*** Emperor?!"

"Edward! Language!" Winry shouted from the couch. Meanwhile, Tamaki was surprised.


"Ling Yao, Emperor of Xing." Ling said, saluting while still being held captive by Ed. Ed dropped him (quite hard) and sighed. "Not a country here. In our world (ah-ah-ah alone in my world)(lol sorry)."

"Ah. I see." Tamaki said. Though he really didn't.
Looks like we've got more hosts to train.
Sorry that I was late! I hope this is enough to tie you over for now... Anywho, I hope you liked it even though it was short. See ya soon(ish)!!

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