Please Read! (Author's Note)

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I am soooooo sorry for how long you guys have been waiting! You have my deepest apologies, and I'm sorry if you just gave up reading all together. Recently, though, my writer's block has slowly been diminishing, so pretty soon I'll be back to whatever disaster of an update I originally had.

 However, there is one thing I want to ask you, the readers, about the plot. I specifically remember at some point along the line just writing whatever came to mind to update for you guys, and not so much writing what I myself wanted to put out there. That being said, I want to make sure you enjoy this story, too. So, I need your help in deciding the future of this story.

Here's how this is going to work: majority rules. Whatever you guys decide out of these options is what I will write. 

1. (PLOT NOW) Continue with the Host Club and the Amestrians going to France (to meet Tamaki's mom, reunite w/ family of his, etc.), which might require a bit longer to research and write. This would only take a chapter or two, then back to the main plot (option 2).

2. (ORIGINAL IDEA) Re-edit the story, and continue with cosplay days, going to different places in Japan, and trying to find out how to get back to Amestris (which, in my opinion, would be better).

3. (BREAK CHAPTERS) Maybe some more TamaHaru, EdWin, or Royai, or even AlMay. A few ship chapters and group dates, then ultimately back to the original path this story was going to take (option 2).

So I honestly leave this up to you! Comment your NUMBER choice, then I'll tally them up and decide whether or not you've made a good choice.

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