You're Wendy's Sister Part One

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The room was trashed. Completely trashed. The only thing intact was the open window, and unmade bed. The dresser drawers were rummaged through, everything that was once in those drawers, now were loitering the floor. Wendy's bed stand was tipped over, the lamp light bulb shattered on the floor.

You stared with wide eyes at the room. You haven't even taken a step inside the room yet. But Wendy was no where to be found. It's been two days since she has returned from Neverland.

At first you thought she just forgot. But on almost day three, you were worried. You told your mother she was sick, and wanted to sleep.

"Y/N, honey, are you alright? Is your sister asleep?" You heard your mother say from the bottom of the stairs.

You suddenly noticed a tiny bag on the pillow that was in the middle of the bed. A tiny bag that would fit in the palm of your hand and you could wrap your hand around it. A string tied it together at the top. And then everything snapped into place.


"Y-yea, Wendy's asleep. I think I'm going to go to bed myself as well." You stumbled a bit on your words.

"Alright, goodnight darling." You knew your mother would wait at the foot of the stairs until you gave her a hug goodnight, or she would come up to you.

You walked out Wendy's room, and shut the door lightly. Acting as if she was still in there.

Your mother stood at the foot of the stairs. She looked tired, and her eyes met yours. You smiled warmly and walked up to her, then hugging her goodnight. She kissed your cheek. Then you both departed ways.

You walked up to your door, and just as your mother disappeared, you twisted your door knob and shut the door. But remained in the hallway.

You listened for any movement, but she must have gone in the kitchen to clean up. Wendy's door never squeaked, but yours did. Rather loudly, too.

You shut Wendy's door behind you as quietly as you could. The tiny bag was still on the pillow. You sat down at the end of the bed and grabbed it. Inside it felt like it was filled lightly with sand.

Could Wendy have left this for you? But why would she leave it for you if she was just visiting? Or was she?

Thoughts flooded your mind of every possibility. The window was still open. You untied the bag and knew instantly what was inside now. Wendy had told you about everything, you've seen it with your own eyes. And this is what made her fly. She said it made her feel free.

You knew how to get to Neverland. She told you every detail. You being her older sister by a year or so, you had a good relationship with each other.

You held the bag closed between your fingers and walked over to the window. "This better work, or you're asking to die" you thought to yourself.

You grabbed the light substance and sprinkled it all over you. You used about half of the dust before closing the bag. Immediately your feet lifted off the ground. You laughed and smiled. So this is what it felt like.


Once you landed your feet on the sand, you immediately looked around. No one was in sight, so far.

You grabbed the tiny bag with the string tied on it, and pushed it in your jacket pocket.

You noticed a thick forest area, and a large cave that was met with the ocean. Like a mouth. Wendy didn't lie when she told you this place was beautiful. You just couldn't believe you are now seeing it for yourself. Your mind snapped to Wendy.

Wendy also told you there was no girls on this island, except her when she visited. Meaning you couldn't walk around here looking like a girl, without them knowing. You needed a change.

You grabbed your backpack you packed before flying out the window. Inside was several raggedy clothing items, a hair net, hair pins, hat, and a pair of your younger brothers shoes. Which is a size to big, but it had to do.

You jogged to the forest and found a tree you could change next to. You started with your clothes. Your breasts would be an issue, but you brought sports wrap. It hurt a little for it to be pulled too tight around your chest, but it would have to do.

(I wouldn't be able to wrap that around my chest and pull it off as a boy XD)

You put on a baggy shirt. It was one solid color. A dark grey, but it had some stains and a few holes at the bottom of the shirt. You then pulled on some pants, and then a belt that was wrapped tightly around your waist. So the pants wouldn't fall off. Then you slipped on the dark sneakers.

To top it off, you put the hair net on. Hoping you got all your hair up in it. You then put your hat on.

So far, you fit the perfect profile to be a lost boy.

Hey guys! I hope you like this first part! I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I just wanted to say that personal imagine requests are closed for now. I'm just going to do regular imagines.

Next update: today or tomorrow!

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