You're Wendy's Sister- Part Three

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"What's up b/n?" Sebastian asked as he plopped down next to you. You finished chewing on the oatmeal.

"Not much, just a bit tired." You sighed as you closed your eyes for a minute. Remembering last night.

After Peter finally convinced Wendy to go back to bed, Peter went to the ocean to swim. You had to admit you watched for a few moments, then followed Wendy to see what tent she and Peter were sharing. Coincidentally, it was straight in the middle of all the other tents.

You had only gotten few hours of sleep last night, because your mind wouldn't shut down. Every minute you would think of Wendy, how you're going to pull this off, and how you were going to leave with Wendy.

You still had some dust left over in your bag that was under the cot. But that may not work for both of you, there is only enough for one.

Even though you were a bit angry that Wendy wanted and willingly would stay, you couldn't help but think that that leftover dust would be used on her. She is your sister, and you love her dearly. Even if she made poor decisions.

"You'll get used it." He patted your shoulder and scooped a spoonful of his breakfast.

The oatmeal was cold and lumpy. Nothing like what you always had with your family each morning. But when Mother worked late, usually the next mornings were spent with cereal and toast. You started to really miss it. What was your family doing right now? Would they be searching?

How were you to explain this to everyone without sounding like a nut job? Should you just make up a story?

The second suggestion sounded better. But you would have a lot to think about, since you were covering for Wendy for two days.

"What do you guys usually do here?" You asked as you set your bowl in your lap. You squirmed a bit. Logs weren't as comfortable as the other lost boys made it seem.

"Every morning we get a small dose of dust in a tiny bag. With that, the possibilities are endless." Sebastian said as he wore an expression of boredom.

"Is it enough to get home?" You asked curiously.

"No." Sebastian was suspicious. You could tell in his voice. "Why would you want to go anyways? Here there is no rules-"

"Except mine." Peter spoke and you jumped slightly. Peter stood about ten feet away from you guys, his index finger held up.

"Of course Peter's rules." Sebastian said, correcting himself. "He's the leader, and he takes care of us."

"You make me sound like a father." Peter said. "Gross." He mumbled afterwards.

You didn't know what to say. What were you to say?

"Anyways, just go to the treehouse, Tink hands them out." Sebastian broke the awkward silence for you. You silently nodded then forced a spoonful of oatmeal in your mouth. The bad taste of it made you want to spit it out, but you forced yourself to swallow.

Moments later Peter walked away, obviously bored.

"Peter?" You heard a small voice say. You whipped your head around. Wendy stood there in a small dress with dirty tights underneath.

"Yes, love?" Peter appeared in your sight immediately. You continued to stare at Wendy. She was dirty, in desperate need of a bath. She seemed as though she lost weight, not that she needed to. Like she lost the unnecessary weight. Her arms were thinner, and her cheeks had a small cheek indent.

"Where's breakfast?" She asked. Peter walked up to her and pointed to the small shack down the small dirt road. "Thank you."

She turned to walk away. And so did Peter. But before she could, her head snapped towards you. She tilted her head with a confused expression. You whipped your head back.

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